Owyn / HandyImage

browser userscript (extension) which Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites
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[fix] reddit.com (i.redd.it) #542

Open selimsum opened 1 year ago

selimsum commented 1 year ago

reddit images haven't been working for some time for me. I've just noticed that directly clicking the link below works fine. However, clicking the image from a reddit post to see the full version starts a redirection loop.

Owyn commented 1 year ago

works fine for me in both browsers, both when I left click the image or the middle click it

try disabling other scripts \ extensions perhaps?

selimsum commented 1 year ago

I did some more testing with a new Firefox profile (no other scripts or extensions). Turns out this only happens when "Open images directly with browser (disables Handy)" is enabled and it only affects Firefox. (You might remember that I'm one the few who intentionally use that option.)

eks28 commented 11 months ago

if need to load image direct atleast in chrome/edge etc

use this extension


works great

masterofobzene commented 9 months ago

"Open images directly with browser (disables Handy)"

Where is that option?

I think the only way to workaround this is to disable reddit as a match in the script.

on the "code" tab, delete: // @match https://www.reddit.com/media?url=* on the line 902 (you can leave the empty space). Save and disable updates for the extension on the "settings" tab.

Extension will not update automatically anymore, update it manually from time to time and repeat the patch.

Owyn commented 9 months ago

Where is that option?

script settings where you turned it on before (it's turned off by default)

Owyn commented 9 months ago

disable updates

Don't give harmful advices such as this, you can add exclusions with any userscript manager for any sites for a specific script without editing the code image

gabri25ele commented 3 months ago

disable updates

Don't give harmful advices such as this, you can add exclusions with any userscript manager for any sites for a specific script without editing the code

I don't see eclusion in my menu


Owyn commented 3 months ago

disable updates

Don't give harmful advices such as this, you can add exclusions with any userscript manager for any sites for a specific script without editing the code

I don't see eclusion in my menu


click three dots to the right and you'll see it: image