Owyn / HandyImage

browser userscript (extension) which Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites
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This script leaves just the image (largest available version) on pages of many image hosting sites skipping all the annoying stuff like ads, "continue to image" etc and disabling any kind of pop-ups. (script for images opened directly in browser can be found here - if you like centering of image, autoresize and hotkeys)


Supported browsers:

You need a userscript manager to install and use the script, e.g. TamperMonkey (might not work in other less-pupular and less-maintained ones)

How to request a new imagehost support or fix for old one

Please, if you would like to request a new site or report a non-working one, please, remember to write at least ONE image URL where the script should work, then head right to Feedback section.

In the topic title, write "fix" if the site is already on the list or "add" if it is a new request, and the domain (eg: add googleimagehost.com)

* But keep in mind that when requesting nameless non-popular image hosting google knows not much about you'd have to provide a reason for adding it - a website url which uses that hosting a lot for images
** Or if you are a developer yourself and would like to help add new hosts, you can submit code edits at GitHub page

If the userscript fails for some website:

Try disabling your ADBlocker for that site - occasionally it might prevent not only ads but this script as well from working there

If you see a placeholder instead of an image:

Try disabling your Tracking Protection \ other Privacy extensions for that site - that is the reason why: