OxfordDemSci / ICS_Analysis

Mixed methods approach and interactive dashboard to analyse research impact through Impact Case Studies submitted to the UK's Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Survey #50

Closed doug-leasure closed 8 months ago

doug-leasure commented 8 months ago

Please merge into main if these commits are needed and then delete branch survey.

doug-leasure commented 8 months ago

The input data for these scripts are no longer in the repository or have been moved.


# Set up paths
current_path <- getSourceEditorContext()$path %>% dirname()

# Read data
results <- read_sav(file.path(current_path, 'results_25_06.sav'))
key <- read.csv(file.path(current_path, 'results_key.csv'), header = FALSE)


# Set up paths
current_path <- getSourceEditorContext()$path %>% dirname()
extra_path <- reduce(1:2, ~ .x %>% dirname(), .init = current_path) %>%
  file.path('data_wrangling', '2_enrich_data', 'extra_data')
edit_path <- reduce(1:3, ~ .x %>% dirname(), .init = current_path) %>%
  file.path('data', 'edit')

# Read data
results <- read_sav(file.path(current_path, 'results_25_06.sav'))
key <- read.csv(file.path(current_path, 'results_key.csv'), header = FALSE)
postcode <- read.csv(file.path(extra_path, 'ukprn_postcode.csv'))
ics_data <- readxl::read_excel(file.path(edit_path, 'clean_ref_ics_data.xlsx'))
doug-leasure commented 8 months ago

I am going to merge this branch into main to record these commits into the commit history so that we are free to delete this branch without losing them.

We can delete the "survey_analysis" folder later, if needed.