OxfordDemSci / ICS_Analysis

Mixed methods approach and interactive dashboard to analyse research impact through Impact Case Studies submitted to the UK's Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021.
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The SHAPE of Impact

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A repository to analyse the Impact Case Studies submitted to the Research Excellence Framework, 2021. A link to the final, published version of the report is available here.

Investigators: Sander Wagner (Co-I), Charles Rahal (Co-I), Douglas Leasure (Co-I), Mark Verhagen (Co-I), Bo Zhao (Co-I) and Melinda C. Mills (PI).

Researchers/Research Assistants: Simon Cooper, Ekaterina Degtiareva, Giordano Epifani, Yifan Liu, Brenda Mccollum, Alice Spiers and Reja Wyss.

Web Development: GISRede (Maksym Bondarenko, David Kerr)

Research Support: Hamza Shams, Bradley Smith, Michelle Thorpe.

Funders: British Academy and Academy of Social Sciences.

Please cite this work as: Wagner, S., Rahal, C., Spiers, A., Leasure, D., Verhagen, M., Zhao, B., Li, L., Lu, Y., REF 2021 LCDS Project Team, and Mills, M. C. (2024), 'The SHAPE of Research Impact', British Academy and the Academy of Social Sciences, ISBN 978-0-85672-686-6. Source code DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10569104


The main source of raw data which powers this analysis is the REF 2021 Database. The five key files relate to:

  1. The raw REF ICS dataset itself.
  2. The 'tags' associated with the raw ICS.
  3. The 'environmental' data associated with submitting departments.
  4. The 'outputs' dataset, which contains information on submitted academic outputs.
  5. The 'results' dataset, which details results across impact, environment, and output.

The REF 2021 data is generally available from https://results2021.ref.ac.uk/. All REF submissions information, including downloadable submissions data, REF impact case studies, institution environment statements and unit environment statements can be used under the CC BY 4.0 licence. Use is permitted under these licence conditions. Shapefiles for the static analysis are provided by Natural Earth: Free vector and raster map data @ naturalearthdata.com.

For specific parts of the analysis (gender, interdisciplinarity, funding, citations and altmetrics), we use data obtained from Dimensions, and re-share parts of it with explicit agreement from Digital Science. Our shareable data also contains scientometric data from OpenAlex.

For a certain number of our analyses, manual curation is necessary. Our manually curated files can be found at ./data/manual, and include information on:

The final, enhanced, and complete version of our dataset which is made available as part of this project can be found at ./data/final/, i.e. here. This is created by the script at ./src/generate_data/make_enhanced_data.py here. This script is also responsible for creating the final dataset which is used to power the dashboard, which can be found at ./src/dashboard/data/.


The majority of the analysis is split into three distinct types/parts.

  1. The first is the BERTopic based large language model. The code which creates this can be found in ./src/topic_modelling. Thanks to the hard work of bs-dev and lindali97 here!

  2. General descriptive analysis code found in ./src/analysis, which is split into one parts:


An online interactive dashboard accompanies this work, found at https://shape-impact.co.uk. This dashboard is entirely reproducible, with code which creates it available at `./src/dashboard. We are especially grateful for the help of GISRede for their role in it's development.


For any general queries related to this work, please contact lcds.office@demography.ox.ac.uk or for media related enquiries, please contact lcds.office@demography.ox.ac.uk. For technical issues related to the programmatic analysis of this work, please raise an Issue, or feel free to open a Pull Request.


SHAPE of Research Impact Dashboard
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