P0intMaN / zbunker-website

zbunker-website is an open source project aimed at creating a website for the official ZBunker youtube channel. ZBunker is an open, community-based classroom run by a bunch of computer science undergrads with a motive to upskill youth and empower them to make quality, open source contributions
MIT License
6 stars 14 forks source link
css flask html javascript python python3

Python Version Pull Requests GitHub issues GitHub closed issues GitHub contributors YouTube Channel Views

ZBunker is a community run by a bunch of university students with an aim to spread awareness about open source and the power of programmming.

The main mode of education is through our YouTube channel, where we will walk you through some of the popular programming languages and how you can develop a skill set in the tech domain.

We believe in free and quality education for all.

About The Project 🚀

zbunker-website project is focussed on creating an independent website dedicated to ZBunker. This website will feature all the courses, seminars, webinars and other learning resources that will be of great use for learners.

zbunker-website uses Flask as the backend. Check out the Tech Stack section to know about various tech stacks preferred and currently used for creating this website.

ToDo List 📝

Getting Started / Viewing Project 🛰️

Tech Stack 💻

  1. HTML - A markup language for creating a webpage.
  2. CSS - Styler for HTML webpages
  3. JavaScript - The programming language of web
  4. Flask - Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug and Jinja 2
  5. Flask-SQLAlchemy - An extension for Flask that adds support for SQLAlchemy ORM to your application.
  6. Jinja2 Templates - Templating language used with Flask for frontend purposes.

Star Gazers ⭐

Stargazers repo roster for @P0intMaN/zbunker-website

The Driving Force 🔥

Thanks to all contributors for keeping this project alive.