P1sec / pysctp

SCTP stack for Python
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PySCTP - SCTP bindings for Python

Elvis Pfützenreuter Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia (http://www.indt.org.br) epx AT epx.com.br

Philippe Langlois P1 Security (http://www.p1sec.com) phil AT p1sec.com

====================================================================== INSTALL

sudo python setup.py install

In case you want to install the module explicitely for Python 2 or 3, just replace python by python2 / python3 in the commands above.

====================================================================== DEPENDENCIES:

You can automatically install dependencies for Debian/Ubuntu: make installdeps

Otherwise, necessary would be e.g. on Ubuntu: libsctp-dev and python-dev (python2-dev or python3-dev for an explicit version of Python)

Support for Mac OSX is not tested, but should be doable through the SCTP Network Kernel Extension (NKE) available at: https://github.com/sctplab/SCTP_NKE_HighSierra

====================================================================== INTRODUCTION

PySCTP gives access to the SCTP transport protocol from Python language. It extends the traditional socket interface, allowing SCTP sockets to be used in most situations where a TCP or UDP socket would work, while preserving the unique characteristics of the protocol.

For more information about SCTP, go to http://www.sctp.org or RFC 4960. For discussion, sources, bugs, go to http://github.com/p1sec/pysctp

In a nutshell, PySCTP can be used as follows:

import socket import sctp

sk = sctp.sctpsocket_tcp(socket.AF_INET) sk.connect(("", 36413))

... most socket operations work for SCTP too ...


The autotest programs (e.g. test_local_cnx.py) are actually good examples of pysctp usage.

The BSD/Sockets SCTP extensions are defined by an IETF draft (draft-ietf-tsvwg-sctpsocket-10.txt) and PySCTP tries to map those extensions very closely. So, to really take the most advantage of SCTP and PySCTP, you must understand how the API works. You can find advice about it in the the draft itself (not incredibly easy to understand though), as well the 3rd edition of Unix Network Programming.

====================================================================== DESCRIPTION

1) The "sctp" module

The "sctp" module is the Python side of the bindings. The docstrings of every class and method can give good advice of functions, but the highlights are:

2) The "_sctp" module

This is the C side of the bindings, that provides the "glue" between Python and the C API. The regular PySCTP user should not need to get into this, but power users and developers may be interested in it.

The interface between Python and C is designed to be as simple as possible. In particular, no object is created in C side, just simple types (strings, integers, lists, tuples and dictionaries).

The translation to/from complex objects is done entirely in Python. It avoids that _sctp depends on sctp.

NOTE: it all has been tested agains lksctp-utils 1.0.1 and kernel 2.6.10, that come with Ubuntu Hoary. Some newer calls like connectx() depend of testing on a newer environment to be implemented.

====================================================================== License

This module is licensed under the LGPL license.

====================================================================== Credits

Elvis Pfützenreuter Philippe Langlois Casimiro Daniel NPRI - patch for new SCTP_* constants