P3pp3rF1y / AncientWarfare2

Ancient Warfare Mod for Minecraft 1.12.x
GNU General Public License v3.0
142 stars 96 forks source link

Got banned from discord server for no reason #1424

Open Avag6832n opened 1 year ago

Avag6832n commented 1 year ago

The title, have also seen this talked about on some posts on reddit. I would like an explanation

ShadowkingREEEE commented 1 year ago

i had the same problem

blahthebiste commented 1 year ago

You and me both, buddy. Unfortunately the discord server for this mod is just toxic.

Munaus commented 10 months ago

If anyone is still reading this, we had a moderator who was too light on the trigger finger. Some bans were deserved, some were not. If you feel your bans were undeserved, please provide your User IDs to me, either through DMs on Discord or here. Munaus#4513 The moderator in question is long gone.

Avag6832n commented 10 months ago

avagarcia38n is my discord name

G1ll0u commented 9 months ago

Jubitus#5038 I never knew why I was banned

Munaus commented 9 months ago

Neither of you are posting your User IDs. Right-click your Discord name and pick "Copy User ID" on the pop up window. This is my user ID 102485021293559808 It's difficult to find someone on username and discrim, because Discord changes those numbers and username can also be edited.

BegoR67 commented 9 months ago


G1ll0u commented 9 months ago


Kobold-Zero commented 9 months ago

Hey! Made a GitHub account just so I could comment on this as well - I'd appreciate it if I was unbanned from the server too, thanks!!


Avag6832n commented 9 months ago

Hi it's 901431476455870474

Avag6832n commented 9 months ago

btw you need to go to settings, the advanced tab and enable developer mode for that to work (to see user id) i am writing this if anyone else is struggling with this

BegoR67 commented 9 months ago

Can I find out if I get an unban?

G1ll0u commented 8 months ago

Still can't join the server Discord from this invite link... : https://discord.com/invite/jNhkDfU

Avag6832n commented 8 months ago

same, are we still banned?

ShadowkingREEEE commented 7 months ago

shadowking1188 ID number but Shadowking is my username

ShadowkingREEEE commented 7 months ago

I dont know when the person will read this again

WinDanesz commented 7 months ago

I dont know when the person will read this again


bluejello42 commented 2 months ago

137693194098966528 .bluejello I was banned at some point, I have no idea why.

CanBoy67 commented 1 month ago

Was also banned a couple years ago 483713111891771398