P4nda0s / IDAFrida

IDA Frida Plugin for tracing something interesting.
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A simple IDA plugin to generate FRIDA script.

  1. Edit template for functions or you can use the default template.
  2. Select functions you want to trace in function window
  3. Generate & inject


default template

IDAFrida applies template to all selected functions and then generate a single frida script.

(function () {

    // @ts-ignore
    function print_arg(addr) {
        try {
            var module = Process.findRangeByAddress(addr);
            if (module != null) return "\\n"+hexdump(addr) + "\\n";
            return ptr(addr) + "\\n";
        } catch (e) {
            return addr + "\\n";

    // @ts-ignore
    function hook_native_addr(funcPtr, paramsNum) {
        var module = Process.findModuleByAddress(funcPtr);
        try {
            Interceptor.attach(funcPtr, {
                onEnter: function (args) {
                    this.logs = "";
                    this.params = [];
                    // @ts-ignore
                    this.logs=this.logs.concat("So: " + module.name + "  Method: [funcname] offset: " + ptr(funcPtr).sub(module.base) + "\\n");
                    for (let i = 0; i < paramsNum; i++) {
                        this.logs=this.logs.concat("this.args" + i + " onEnter: " + print_arg(args[i]));
                }, onLeave: function (retval) {
                    for (let i = 0; i < paramsNum; i++) {
                        this.logs=this.logs.concat("this.args" + i + " onLeave: " + print_arg(this.params[i]));
                    this.logs=this.logs.concat("retval onLeave: " + print_arg(retval) + "\\n");
        } catch (e) {
    // @ts-ignore
    hook_native_addr(Module.findBaseAddress("[filename]").add([offset]), [nargs]);