PASTA Enhancement Proposals (PEPs)
Apache License 2.0
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PASTA Enhancement Proposal (PEP)

PEP stands for PASTA Enhancement Proposal and is based on the Python community's Python Enhancement Proposal process (see here). A PEP serves both EDI and its community as a method to propose significant enhancements or modifications to EDI software, processes, or policies. The PEP Purpose and Guidelines (PEP-0) provides more detailed information about PEPs.

PEP Index

A list of all PEPs can be found in the PEP Index. The PEP Index provides a summary of each PEP, including its PEP number, title, author/contact, current status, and date of its final disposition.

Working with PEPs

Editing PEPs

A PEP document is a plain text file formatted using the GitHub flavored Markdown syntax and can be edited using any text editor. The PEP template is available here and should be used as a starting point for new PEPs.

Generating a PDF

The best solution to create a printable PDF document of the PEP is to use the universal document converter pandoc. Pandoc can be installed using Conda, but will require a "PDF engine" like PDFLaTeX (for example, see pdflatex in TeX Live) to convert a Markdown document to PDF. The following command will generate a PDF from a Markdown file:

pandoc -o pep-N.pdf \
      -V geometry:"margin=1in" \
      -V fontsize="12pt" \
      -V colorlinks