PAhelper / PhoenixAdult.bundle

Plex Meta-Data Agent for scene videos from multiple adult sites
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PhoenixAdult metadata agent

This metadata agent helps fill Plex with information for your adult videos by pulling from the original site.


Currently the features of this metadata agent are:

File Naming

The agent will try to match your file automatically, usually based on the filename. You can assist it by renaming your video appropriately. If the video is not successfully matched, you can try to manually match it using the [Match...] function in Plex. See the manual searching document for more information. Best practice for each site is listed in the sitelist document.

Plex Video Files needs to be set as the library scanner for best results.

Here are some naming structures we recommend:

Real world examples:

Some sites do not have a search function available. This is where SceneID and Direct URL come in to play. These usually don't make the most intuitive filenames, so it is often better to use the [Match...] function in Plex. See the manual searching document for more information.

If you would prefer to integrate SceneIDs into your filenames, instead of manually matching in Plex, here are some naming structures we recommend:

Real world examples:


How to find the plug-in folder location:

Reporting a bug

We try to maintain bug-free code, but bugs do happen. If you are having difficulty matching a scene, please refer to Known Issues before submitting an Issue.

Known Limitations

Some sites do not have many high quality images that can be used as poster or background art. I have found the forums at to be a great resource for artwork in these situations.

Change Log/Updates

To view the most detailed changes to code, check the commit log. Additional information can be obtained from the list of merged pull requests.

Supported Networks

To view the full list of supported sites, check out the sitelist doc. If your favorite site isn't supported, head over to Issue #1 to add your request to the list, or vote on the current requests.


To view the full list of supported preferences, check out the preferences doc.