PECOS (Performance Estimator of Codes On Surfaces) is a Python framework for studying, developing, and evaluating quantum error-correction protocols.
For questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact the author:
To get started, check out the documentation in the "docs" folder or find it online at:
See the following branch for the latest version of PECOS under development:
BEAWARE: There are some changes planned in that may break some backwards compatibility with 0.1. Although, we try to minimize breaks to backwards compatibility.
PECOS is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license
To install using pip run the command:
pip install quantum-pecos
To install from GitHub go to:
Then, download/unzip or clone the version of PECOS you would like to use. Next, navigate to the root of the package (where is located) and run:
pip install .
To install and continue to develop the version of PECOS located in the install folder, run the following instead:
pip install -e .
To uninstall run:
pip uninstall quantum-pecos