PFython / pyscript-local-runtime

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This repository provides a framework for running PyScript and all its runtime dependencies locally e.g. to create a Chrome extension using Python, or an offline web app using PyScript without relying on internet access.

PyScript and its dependency Pyodide continue to evolve but this demo is frozen at Pyodide v0.21.3. You're strongly advised to check out the latest version of PyScript and there are numerous PyScript tutorials online for learning more about its capabilities - that's not the focus of this Demo!

All the files you need to run PyScript (at v0.21.3) are in the /runtime directory and you can also download them on POSIX using wget...

   cd runtime

or on Windows using the helper script supplied:

   cd runtime


This example Chrome Extension launches a Popup when clicked, renders the time using Python's datetime module, and provides a Python REPL session for you to play with directly inside the extension.

To use this extension directly, first clone it to your local machine then follow this tutorial to load the unpacked extension into Chrome and pin it to your Extensions toolbar.

Further information about getting started with Chrome Extensions is available here.

All the best, Pete


A big "Thank You" to (Engineering Manager at Anaconda) for pointing me in the right direction.

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