PG85 / OpenTerrainGenerator

Minecraft Terrain Generator for Bukkit/Spigot/Forge
MIT License
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[Bug]: Worldspawn(s*) reset on every server restart to a default from the levels Config.yaml #994

Open PaxJaromeMalues opened 1 year ago

PaxJaromeMalues commented 1 year ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Current Behavior

Spawn locations edited reset to the config.yaml coordinates set at world creation.

Expected Behavior

Spawns should carry over as expected using either Vanilla, modded versions or SpongeForge/Paper/Bukkit/Spigot or plugins like Nucleus.

Which platforms have you reproduced this issue using?

Forge Multiplayer

OTG Version

OpenTerrainGenerator-1.12.2-v9.5 & 9.4

Platform Version

No response

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Install SpongeForge API 7.4.7 / 7.4.8-latestRC in default state (no config changes)
  2. Install OTG in the above mentioned version
  3. Install the VanillaVistas+ Preset server-root/mods/plugins/Vanilla_Vistas+1.1.jar
  4. Setup the with generator-settings=, level-type=otg, level-name=VanillaVistas
  5. Start the server + let level generate
  6. Login (gamemode 0 / 1 is not important) move about a 100 blocks from Spawn
  7. Type /setworldspawn server will give the appropriate answer
  8. /kill yourself and see yourself respawn at a safe location around the set spawn
  9. Stop the server safely and restart it
  10. /kill yourself and see yourself respawn at the original spawn location

Log file

Anything else?

No response

SXRWahrheit commented 1 year ago

Does this occur when using regular Forge (not spongeforge)?

Also please note that 1.12.2 support is EOL; we will accept a pull request for this issue but it might not get development attention otherwise.

PaxJaromeMalues commented 1 year ago

Does this occur when using regular Forge (not spongeforge)?

Also please note that 1.12.2 support is EOL; we will accept a pull request for this issue but it might not get development attention otherwise.

The project of my community relies upon spongeforge, I will not be able to change that fact sadly. At least not at the current stage (inbefore BETA testing the modpack). Therefore I can not attest that.

It is sad to hear that OTG1.12.2 is EOL, I should have probably expected that. I have 0 coding capabilities required for fixing this so there will be no pull request from me.

You guys did an awesome job by fixing whatever prohibited OTG and spongeforge to work back in 7.0. and 7.1. This spawn thing is lit the only thing that would keep me from being able to use OTG.

SXRWahrheit commented 1 year ago

If you can test it on regular Forge we can at least figure out whether there's a discrepancy. It's also possible someone other than our core team would be willing to fix this! We may also find room to do it ourselves, I just wanted to manage expectations.

PaxJaromeMalues commented 1 year ago

If you can test it on regular Forge we can at least figure out whether there's a discrepancy. It's also possible someone other than our core team would be willing to fix this! We may also find room to do it ourselves, I just wanted to manage expectations.

What would I need for that? Bare bones mc server jars, forge jar and OTG right? edit: and the vistas preset

PaxJaromeMalues commented 1 year ago

If you can test it on regular Forge we can at least figure out whether there's a discrepancy. It's also possible someone other than our core team would be willing to fix this! We may also find room to do it ourselves, I just wanted to manage expectations.

reproduced with OTG 1.12.2, forge latest recommended 1.12.2 and Vanilla Vistas+

PaxJaromeMalues commented 1 year ago

Thx to a user in the Discord I discovered the O menu, but sadly the results do not change.

PaxJaromeMalues commented 1 year ago


  1. Enter OpenTerrainGenerator directory in <serverroot>/<world>/OpenTerrainGenerator
  2. Delete Config-backup.yaml
  3. Edit Config.yaml with XYZ coordinates of new spawn
  4. Enter <serverroot>/<world>
  5. Delete level.dat_old
  6. Edit level.dat with XYZ coordinates of new spawn (for this you will need the NBTExplorer)
  7. New spawn should survive restart, Nucleus /firstspawn might not be functional or stuck with whatever the worldspawn is