PHPMailer / DKIMValidator

PHP DKIM signature validator
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dkim dkim-verifier email hacktoberfest php php-library security signatures

PHP DKIM Validator

A straightforward validation class for checking DKIM signatures and header settings. Requires PHP 7.2 or later.

Looking to send DKIM-signed email? Check out PHPMailer!


composer require phpmailer/dkimvalidator


use PHPMailer\DKIMValidator\Validator;
use PHPMailer\DKIMValidator\DKIMException;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
//Put a whole raw email message in here
//Load the message directly from disk -
//don't copy & paste it as that will likely affect line breaks & charsets
$message  = file_get_contents('message.eml');
$dkimValidator = new Validator($message);
try {
    if ($dkimValidator->validateBoolean()) {
        echo "Cool, it's valid";
    } else {
        echo 'Uh oh, dodgy email!';
} catch (DKIMException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
