PIFSC-Protected-Species-Division / LTabundR

R package for design-based line-transect density estimation
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R package for design-based line-transect abundance estimation

The R package LTabundR offers tools that facilitate and standardize design-based line-transect abundance estimation of cetaceans, based on typical workflow used following NOAA Fisheries ship surveys in the central and eastern Pacific (e.g., Barlow 2006, Barlow and Forney 2007, Bradford et al. 2017, Bradford et al. 2021).

This R package is a consolidation of code developed over many years by many NOAA Fisheries scientists, primarily Jay Barlow, Tim Gerrodette, Jeff Laake, Karin Forney, Amanda Bradford, and Jeff Moore. This package was developed by Eric Keen and Amanda Bradford with support from the NOAA Fisheries National Protected Species Toolbox Initiative.

BETA-testing only

This package is currently in beta testing and is not yet ready for widespread use.


# Install 'devtools' package, if needed
if (!require('devtools')) install.packages('devtools')

# Install LTabundR remotely from GitHub

# Load into session

Note that this package contains large built-in datasets and may take several minutes to install.

LTabundR depends upon R versions 2.10 or later. It was developed and published with R 4.3.1 on a 64-bit Mac OS. You may need to download "Rtools" if it is not already installed on your computer. You can do so here.


Visit this vignette for a complete guide to using LTabundR.


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