PIFSCstockassessments / 2024-WCNPO-MLS-Rebuilding

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Plotting results #17

Open michellesculley opened 5 months ago

michellesculley commented 5 months ago

Just a thought when plotting the SSB trajectories for the rebuilding scenarios we should include the 60% and 40% error bounds so that it is clear when we reach the rebuilding target. (Current plots are median and 90% and 10% and are a bit misleading).

JonBrodziak commented 5 months ago

Adding the 40th percentile to the plots of the distributions of spawning biomass outcomes will make it more clear when the SSB target would likely be achieved and I will do that.

We can also tabulate additional percentiles from the standard output for other projected quantities. For all plots, the median, 10th and 90th percentiles provide a consistent set of statistics representing the central tendency and dispersion of outcomes, as indexed by an 80% probable interval. These apply to any outcome distribution that jointly satisfies achieving the SSB rebuilding target in 2034 with at least 60% probability.