The example requires
using EmbeddedGraphs
using Distances
using Graphs
Set the position of the vertices that need to be placed on the graph
positions = map(i->[rand(),rand()], 1:10)
Create the graph with a given SimpleGraph structure and positions
eg = EmbeddedGraph(SimpleGraph(10), positions)
In case you want to have a different metric this is possible with a third argument, where the
points P
and Q
should be the positions of the vertices.
eg_minkowski = EmbeddedGraph(SimpleGraph(10), positions, (P, Q) -> minkowski(P, Q, 2.))
Calculate the distance between two vertices ...
... or likewise
euclidean(eg.vertexpos[1], eg.vertexpos[9])
Get the x value of all the vertices ...
vertices_loc(eg, 1)
... or y location
vertices_loc(eg, 2)
Get the Weightsmatrix with distances between every vertex ...
weights(eg, dense=true)
... or only a sparse matrix with only connected vertices
weights(eg, dense=false)
Add an edge
add_edge!(eg, 1, 9)
add_edge!(eg, 5, 7)
Remove an edge
rem_edge!(eg, 1, 9)
Add a vertex at position (0.1, 0.7)
add_vertex!(eg, [0.1, 0.7])
Remove a vertex
rem_vertex!(eg, 5)
rem_vertices!(eg, [1, 2, 3])
Plot the graph embedded in 2D