Open Source Data Usage Control Module created within the PLATOON H2020 project funded by the European Comission (Grant 872592)
Apache License 2.0
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The Data Usage Control module of PLATOON has been developed by modifying the open-source IDS Dataspace Connector . Specifically, version v5.0.1 of the Dataspace Connector has been used as the starting point for the development, extracting the Java packages required for this module. This code has been improved by adding the following new functionalities:

This module does not include the Contract Negotiation process. This negotiation process is carried out outside this module and the Contract Agreements are provided to the Usage Control when negotiated.

1. Architecture

The Data Usage Control is composed of the following components:

2. Enforcement

The steps to be taken to do enforcement are the following:

The data Usage Control module supports usage policies written in the IDS Usage Control Language based on ODRL. The policy patterns supported by the Data Usage Control module are the following ones:

3 Installation Guide

3.1 Running the Application

To start up the Platoon Data Usage, run the following command inside the directory "Docker_Tecnalia_DataUsage" of the docker-compose.yml file: docker-compose up -d

4 License

Licensed under the Apache 2.0. See LICENSE.txt for more details.