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build fail #29

Open zxsjw opened 2 years ago

zxsjw commented 2 years ago

There was a problem with the installation that I couldn't solve

ubuntu:~/sys-M/sys-master$ stack build WARNING: Ignoring adverse's bounds on llvm-hs (>=9.0.1); using llvm-hs-9.0.0. Reason: allow-newer enabled. Building all executables for `adverse' once. After a successful build of all of them, only specified executables will be rebuilt. adverse> configure (lib + exe) Configuring adverse- adverse> build (lib + exe) Preprocessing library for adverse- Building library for adverse- [ 1 of 49] Compiling Control.Log [flags changed] [ 2 of 49] Compiling LLVMAST.ASTInterface [flags changed] [ 3 of 49] Compiling LLVMAST.ConstantInterface [flags changed] [ 4 of 49] Compiling LLVMAST.OperandInterface [flags changed] [ 5 of 49] Compiling LLVMAST.OrdInstances [flags changed] [ 6 of 49] Compiling LLVMAST.RenameVariables [flags changed] [ 7 of 49] Compiling InternalIR.ModuleInfo [flags changed] [ 8 of 49] Compiling LLVMAST.TypeInterface [flags changed] [ 9 of 49] Compiling LLVMAST.Interface [flags changed] [10 of 49] Compiling InternalIR.SimplePath [flags changed] [11 of 49] Compiling InternalIR.SSA [flags changed] [12 of 49] Compiling InternalIR.PathExpand [flags changed] [13 of 49] Compiling InternalIR.PathExpand.Refinements.EnterCall [flags changed] [14 of 49] Compiling InternalIR.PathInfo [flags changed] [15 of 49] Compiling Paths_adverse [flags changed] [16 of 49] Compiling Static.CheckerState [flags changed] [17 of 49] Compiling Static.CheckerConfigDef [flags changed] [18 of 49] Compiling Static.Check [flags changed] [19 of 49] Compiling Checkers.Utils.StaticUtils [flags changed] [20 of 49] Compiling Checkers.UserInputStatic [flags changed] [21 of 49] Compiling Checkers.UninitStatic [flags changed] [22 of 49] Compiling Checkers.HeapOOBStatic [flags changed] [23 of 49] Compiling Checkers.ConcreteOOBStatic [flags changed] [24 of 49] Compiling Static.Kildall [flags changed] [25 of 49] Compiling Symex.Symex.Boolector [flags changed] [26 of 49] Compiling Symex.Symex.Utils [flags changed] [27 of 49] Compiling Symex.Symex.SymexState [flags changed] [28 of 49] Compiling Symex.Symex.Variable

/home/sys-M/sys-master/src/Symex/Symex/Variable.hs:240:44: error: Variable not in scope: getOffsetOfElement :: GHC.Ptr.Ptr LLVM.Internal.FFI.DataLayout.DataLayout -> t0 -> Integer -> IO Word64 | 240 | withFFIDataLayout dl (\layout -> getOffsetOfElement layout ety $ fromIntegral ind) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

-- While building package adverse- (scroll up to its section to see the error) using: /home/.stack/setup-exe-cache/x86_64-linux/Cabal-simple_mPHDZzAJ_2.4.0.1_ghc-8.6.5 --builddir=.stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux/Cabal- build lib:adverse exe:sys --ghc-options " -fdiagnostics-color=always" Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1 ubuntu:~/sys-M/sys-master$

zxsjw commented 2 years ago

"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" pointing to the argument is "getOffsetOfElement"

getOffsetOfElement ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

mlfbrown commented 2 years ago

Hmmm, this looks like another LLVM Haskell binding issue. Let me see... (Sorry to be late looking into this)

zxsjw commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your attention. Do you see the reason for the problem