PLSysSec / sys

Sys: A Static/Symbolic Tool for Finding Good Bugs in Good (Browser) Code
GNU General Public License v2.0
215 stars 41 forks source link
bug-finding security static-analysis symbolic-execution

Sys: A Static/Symbolic Tool for Finding Good Bugs in Good (Browser) Code

If you're interested, check out the (very very very) new reimplementation over here!


Install dependencies

If you want to install Sys locally:

Alternatively, you can use the Dockerfile from Ralf-Philipp Weinmann.

Build project

Once you have all the dependencies installed you should be able to just build the tool:

stack build


Once you built the tool you can build and run our tests with:

stack test

This will run a more-or-less full version of our test suite, along with regression tests for every bug that we list in the paper. The suite takes a little over two minutes on laptop with 64GB of RAM and 8 threads. All tests with one exception---a bug whose source we're having trouble tracking down---should pass. If anything else fails, try re-running the tests; the solver may have timed out (this hasn't happened on our machines, but since we can't give you a login for annonymity, its a possibility that it will happen on your machine).

If you just want to reproduce the paper results and nothing else, run:

stack test --ta '-p End-to-end'


Once you built the tool you can now use it to find bugs!

stack exec sys

The tool takes several options:

  -d DIR    --libdir=DIR   directory (or file) to analyze
  -e EXTN   --extn=EXTN    file extension
  -c CHECK  --check=CHECK  checker to run


To find the uninitialized memory access bug that our tool found in Firefox's Prio library:

$ stack exec sys -- -c uninit -e prod -d ./test/Bugs/Uninit/Firefox/serial.ll-O2_p

The tool flags two bugs. Let's look at the first:

Stack uninit bug
Name "serial_read_mp_array_73"
Name "serial_read_mp_array"
[UnName 4,UnName 71]

If you inspect the serial_read_mp_array() function, the buggy block path is %4 (the first block) to %71,where we use [%73].


We haven't tested (and likely won't test) Sys on anything but Arch Linux. We're happy to integrate patches that add support for other OSes and build systems though!

Directory structure

├── app            -- Executable used to run the checkers
├── src
│   ├── Checkers   -- Static and symbolic checkers
│   ├── Control    -- Logging helpers
│   ├── LLVMAST    -- LLVM AST interface
│   ├── InternalIR -- Internal IR used to represent paths for both static and symex
│   ├── Static     -- Static checker DSL
│   └── Symex      -- Symbolic DSL and execution engine
├── community      -- Community files
└── test           -- Tests