PP-Namias / Student-Attendance-Management-System

The Student Attendance Management System is designed to modernize the attendance tracking process in educational institutions.
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Student Attendance Management System

General Objectives of the System

The Student Attendance Management System is designed to modernize the attendance tracking process in educational institutions. Its objectives include:

Scopes and Limitations of the System



Forms and Management Modules

User Authentication

Main Menu

Student Attendance Management

Login Logs Management

Reports and Analytics

System Administration

Database Tables Overview

Table: Users

Column Data Type Description
Id SERIAL Primary Key, Auto Increment
Username VARCHAR Username
Passwordhash VARCHAR Password Hash
Phonenumber VARCHAR Phone Number for recovery
Role VARCHAR User Role (teacher/admin)

Table: Students

Column Data Type Description
Id SERIAL Primary Key, Auto Increment
Name VARCHAR Student Name
Course VARCHAR Course
Section VARCHAR Section
StudentId Text Student Id
Archived bool Archived Student

Table: Attendance

Column Data Type Description
Id SERIAL Primary Key, Auto Increment
Name VARCHAR Attendance Name
Course VARCHAR Course
Section VARCHAR Section
Status BOOLEAN Attendance Status (true=present, false=absent)
Archived BOOLEAN Deleted Status (true=dont show to user, false=show)
Date DATE Attendance Date
Time TIME Attendance Time
StudentId INTEGER Foreign Key, Students.StudentId

Table: LoginLogs

Column Data Type Description
Id SERIAL Primary Key, Auto Increment
UserId INTEGER Foreign Key, Users.Id
Username VARCHAR Username
LoginTime TIMESTAMP Login Time
LogoutTime TIMESTAMP Logout Time
Date Date Login Date
Role VARCHAR User Role (teacher/admin)
Remark VARCHAR Admins Login Remark
Archived bool Archived LoginLogs