PP-Wizards / osu-tools-py

Small python osu-tools version, for rapidly developing pp systems (hi xexxar)
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Osu Tools Python

Small python osu-tools version, for rapidly developing pp systems.

Using slider to parse osu files.





python .\main.py --calculator bucket_v1 bancho --api-key <key> osu 1199528


To develop a new pp calculator, follow the steps below.

  1. Create a new folder in the calculators folder.
  2. Create a __init__.py file in the folder.
  3. Name your calculator in that folder, e.g. MyCalc.py. Make sure you inherit BaseCalculator and only customize calculate_pp. An example is in XexxarCalc.py
  4. In calculators/__init__.py, add your calculator to the calculators list by giving it a name and the class name.

Thats it. You can now call your calculator by providing the --calculator flag, e.g. python .\main.py --calculator MyCalc file --beatmap .\osu_files\2520047.osu.

Xexxar pp

Xexxar's PP calc currently differentiates the following skills:

  1. Movement Distance
  2. Movement Velocity
  3. Distance Difference between Objects (e.g. changing spacing)
  4. Angle Calculation (0, 45, 90, 135, 180)
  5. Visual Density (+ HD)
  6. Visual Distance (+ HD)
  7. Slider Velocity
  8. Slider Leniency
  9. Tap Density
  10. Tap Stamina
  11. Accuracy Window
  12. Beatsnap/Rhythm Changes (1/2->1/4, 3/4->1/4, 1/2->1/3)
  13. Reading: Overlaps
  14. Acc on slow parts
  15. Slider Movement Requirement
  16. Slider Complexity (Visual)
  17. Difficulty Curve
  18. BPM Shift
  19. Aim Cheese (staying in the middle in wiggle streams is precision, having to aim is incredibly more hard)
  20. Movement Precision (having cs0 means technically one has to aim not as good, while cs7 means one has to aim good)