Prototype project management
The purpose of the PREP-Prototype is to demonstrate the value of the collaboration, and to show how public and private sector partners can work together to create exciting and innovative means to communicate data. The prototype should be treated as a communication and testing product. Scalability is not a primary concern, nor is building reusable tools.
This is a prototype There are many options for each technical decision we make, yet we are not locking ourselves into any decision. Convenience will be our primary metric for determining path.
Within PREP, transparency is essential to working across teams. Don't be afraid to ask questions or raise challenges. Over-communicate. For development related discussions, keep communication within issues as much as possible, for quick connections join the slack, for higher level project management see the basecamp.
If you stumbled across this repo and are not involved in the PREP project -- please contact
With a multi-team project, an open source development style is essential to coordination. Keep your code clean and documented, so that others can read and understand it. Follow the github flow, when contributing to a repository, write code in a separate branch (e.g. prep-prototype/feature/my-test) and merge via PR.
Above all, design to establish trust with our eventual users. Take inspiration from:
Code contributed to the PREP team repositories should be licensed under the MIT License.
Change proposals are welcomed for everything in this repository.