Repository for Make-Easy HMIS. The all-in-one HMIS for Healthcare facilities.
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healthcare hospital-management-system information-management

1.0.0 easymed

Repository for Make-Easy HMIS

Checkout the Wiki page for the technical implementation

1.2.0 Running with Docker

If you're running with docker, inside ./src/assets/backend-axios-instance/index.js with docker baseURL = baseURL: "http://backend:8000",

In the root directory run; docker compose up Frontend will be running on http://backend:3000 and backend on http://backend:8000

1.3.0 Running Manually

1.3.1 Running Backend

First rename the ./backend/.env.local to .env with the sample code inside

i) Windows

Install python and virtualenv. Next, in the project directory run:

virtualenv venv
cd backend
pip install -r requirements.txt
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver

ii) Linux

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
cd backend
pip install -r requirements.txt
python makemigrations customuser authperms patient pharmacy inventory laboratory receptions billing announcement
python migrate
python runserver

Create a superuser with python createsuperuser You'll use this account to log into the dashboard in frontend

To register patients using landing page, create a group in django Admin called PATIENT

API Endpoints:


1.3.2 Running FrontEnd

Inside ./src/assets/backend-axios-instance/index.js running manually = baseURL: "",

First, create a .env file in the same directory as the src folder then add the following:

Lastly run the development server using:

npm run dev

Dev version can be a little slow. To run a faster build version, use the follwoing commands:

npm run build
npm start

Visit localhost

Adding Permissions

You need to create groups and associate permissions. make sure groups follow this order SYS_ADMIN, PATIENT group then the rest ie DOCTOR,PHARMACIST, RECEPTIONIST, LAB_TECH , NURSE Then create permissions below and link to the GROUPS.

Create super user then navigate to localhost:8080/admin and add permissions;

You will notice that we have a Role and a Group. A group is associated with permissions which determines which specific dashboards a user is allowed to access. A role helps differentiate staff from patients hence redirecting to patient profile if patient and to general dashboard if staff.

Running celery

If not installed already, install celery and redis INSIDE YOUR VIRTUAL ENV pip install celery redis Run Celery: celery -A easymed worker --loglevel=INFO Run Redis: redis-cli -h -p 6379

Generated PDFs{service_name}_pdf/{id} i.e

Testing Socket connection for notifications

Django's runserver does not support asgi run with uvicorn to have the notifications working uvicorn --port 8080 easymed.asgi:application

On a separate terminal npm install -g wscat wscat -c ws://localhost:8080/ws/doctor_notifications/ <-- appointment assigned notification will be seen here

Financial Reporting

Sale by Date Range

To generate sales by given date, send sample request as shown below curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/reports/sale_by_date/ -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"start_date": "2024-02-01", "end_date": "2024-02-18"}' > report-log.txt curl The > report-log.txt just dumps the logs to the report-log.txt file for troubleshooting.

If sending directly from frontend, just configure the payload and send to the endpoint http://localhost:8080/reports/sale_by_date/ You can access the generated report here

Sale by Date Range and Item Id

To generated sales report by date range and given item id; curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/reports/sale_by_item_and_date/ -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"item_id": "1", "start_date": "2024-02-01", "end_date": "2024-02-10"}'

You can access the generated pdf here /serve_sales_by_item_id_pdf/

sales by payment mode

Send POST request to the endpoint below, teh response will have the total amount for a given payment mode /reports/total_payment_mode_amount/?payment_mode=insurance&date=2024-02-18

The /preflight directory contains set up files for an LIS Host listener.

Qualitative and quantitative results will be moved to specify the type in a test panel

Qualitative reports;

If a Lab results is selected as qualitative, use this endpoint /lab/lab-test-results-qualitative/ and the results for the test panels should be sent here /lab/lab-test-results-panel-qualitative Generated report can be gotten here /lab/download_qualitative_labtestresult_pdf/<int:labtestresult_id>/

By default, or when explicitly specified, all lab test will be quantitative and will use the following endpoints. In the same order, create a report, add test-panel-results to that report then generate the pdf report /lab/lab-test-results/ /lab/lab-test-results-panel/ /download_labtestresult_pdf/<int:labtestresult_id>/

Laboratory Integration

When you click Send to Equipment and select the equiment in the dashboard, the test request gets converted to HL7 or ASTM and sent to the equipment.

The laboratory>addons> will listen for any incoming data, then check the format, convert that format to json then send to the results endpoint

System Requirements

Minimum system specifications RAM 8GB Disk SSD 250GB CPU 3-10th Gen

Other requirements; The system uses TCP to primarily integret with Equipment. For equipment with any other form of coms other than TCP/Ethernet, will need to be configured with additional hardware that converts the coms to TCP A device such us this, can work.