PROxZIMA / .dotfiles

FBI, Open up ~/
MIT License
370 stars 27 forks source link
dotfiles dotfiles-linux theme zsh


Rice Preview

⠀⠀   🌸 Setup / Hyprland 🌸

 ╭─ Distro  -> Archcraft x86_64
 ├─ Editor  -> VSCode / NeoVim
 ├─ Browser -> Firefox
 ├─ Shell   -> ZSH
 ╰─ Resource Monitor -> Btop

 ╭─ Model -> ASUS TUF Gaming A15
 ├─ CPU   -> Ryzen 7 4800H @ 4.3GHz
 ├─ GPU   -> NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050
 ╰─ Resolution -> 1920x1080

 ╭─ WM       -> Hyprland
 ├─ Terminal -> Kitty
 ├─ Theme    -> Tokyonight-Dark-BL-LB
 ├─ Icons    -> Tokyonight-Moon
 ├─ Font     -> CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font
 ╰─ Hotel    -> Trivago

                        


## Installation


- Using paru ```sh paru -S base-devel pokemon-colorscripts-git hyprland hyprpicker hyprlock hypridle xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git waybar-hyprland cava kitty wofi starship wl-clipboard swww swaync tty-clock-git playerctl pavucontrol btop mpd mpd-mpris mpv mpv-mpris qt5-base qt5-wayland qt6-base qt6-wayland lsd geany bat cliphist gamemode polkit-gnome g4music wlogout visual-studio-code-bin boo-grub-git sddm-git boo-sddm-git proxzima-plymouth-git yad blueman network-manager-applet libinput-gestures light --needed ``` - See ```sh paru -R xdg-desktop-portal-wlr ``` - Extra dependencies (not necessary) ```sh paru -S system76-power obs-studio wlrobs-hg v4l2loopback-dkms v4l2loopback-utils v4l-utils waydroid binder_linux-dkms chromium-wayland-vaapi qalculate-gtk qimgv-light rlr-git uget libreoffice-fresh nemo bulky --needed ``` - [Chaotic-AUR]( :: Automated building repo for AUR packages 👨🏻‍💻 - [Nvidia | Hyprland]( :: Personally did not face any issues with nvidia > **Note** > > Go through the packages once, before blindly installing them.

GTK Theme, Icons, Cursors

- GTK Theme :: [Tokyonight-Dark-BL-LB]( ```sh cd ~/Downloads git clone cd Tokyo-Night-GTK-Theme/ sudo cp -r themes/Tokyonight-Dark-BL-LB /usr/share/themes/ ``` - Icons:: [Tokyonight-Moon]( ```sh cd ~/Downloads git clone cd Tokyo-Night-GTK-Theme/ sudo cp -r icons/Tokyonight-Moon /usr/share/icons/ ``` - Cursors :: [Sweet-cursors]( ```sh cd ~/Downloads git clone -b nova cd Sweet/ sudo cp -r kde/cursors/Sweet-cursors /usr/share/icons/ ``` - GRUB :: [PROxZIMA/boo-grub]( - Plymouth :: [PROxZIMA/proxzima-plymouth]( - SDDM :: [PROxZIMA/boo-sddm](


```sh cd ~/Downloads git clone cd .dotfiles cp -r .config .icons .local .mpd .ncmpcpp .scripts ~/ cp .face .fonts.conf .dmrc .gtkrc-2.0 ~/ chmod -R +x ~/.scripts/ chmod +x ~/.config/hypr/autostart chmod -R +x ~/.config/wlogout/ ``` > **Warning** > > Again, do not, I said DO NOT blindly run this. Backup your dots beforehand.
These commands are well suited for freshly installed systems.


#### Vscode - Theme :: [Sweet Dracula]( - Extension :: [Fix VSCode Checksums]( - [.dotfiles/.config/Code/User/vsc.css](.config/Code/User/vsc.css) is a special CSS file that I use to modify vscode's UI (Vscode's core file is edited so follow the steps with care). ```sh $ # In VSCode: Help > Toggle Developer Tools $ # Copy window.location.pathname.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, '') $ resPrefix=/above/copied/path $ # Symlink required files in the above folder. $ ln -s '/full/path/to/.dotfiles/.config/Code/User/vsc.css' $resPrefix $ ln -s '/full/path/to/.dotfiles/.icons/default/vsc/' $resPrefix ``` - Open $resPrefix/workbench.html and add `` inside the `` tag. ```sh $ sed -i 's;;;g' $resPrefix/workbench.html ``` - Restart Vscode. Open the command palette and execute Fix Checksums: Apply. Restart again. - Perform the above 2 steps every time Vscode is updated. - ***Voilà !!!*** - If you don't want to touch the core file (which is not a big deal) you can use [Customize UI]( - This method may/may not work as extensions can't be guaranteed to always work. - All required settings are present in settings.json. Use the following command to convert your CSS file to Customize UI's json object. ```sh $ sed -ze 's/\n/ /g' -Ee 's,/\*[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*/,,g' -Ee 's/ {2,}//g' -Ee 's/\}([^\{]*) \{/", "\1": "/g' -e 's/:root \{/{":root": "/g' vsc.css ` #### Firefox - Theme :: [PROxZIMA/Sweet-Pop]( #### Neovim ❤️ - Setup :: [NvChad]( - GUI :: [Neovide]( - Configs :: [.dotfiles/.config/nvim](.config/nvim/)


_© [r/unixporn]( _© All the maintainers and the artists <3_ _© [flick0]( © [Syndrizzle]( © [NvChad]( © [adi1090x](
*Sooo that's it for now. See ya!!!* ***ARIGATOU ❤️***