PSE-2012 / MMWTV

Objective Quality Assessment Toolkit
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OQAT - Objective Quality Assessment Toolkit


OQAT was developed and build in 2012 as a project for the "Praxis der Softwareentwicklung" course at the KIT. The main objective of OQAT is to provide means for objective quality assessment of video encoding (or any kind of video processing) software. An other important thing about OQAT is its modularity, you can extend nearly every part of this software with plugins.

How does it work?

The process of using OQAT is simple enough, lets say you are developing a video encoder and it produces poor results if certain distortions in the source video occur. At this point already you can use OQAT. OQAT in its current state can only read/write/display YUV420 videos, but you can write a Video Handler Plugin for any format you like and just drop it into your plugin folder, OQAT will then be able to use the new format with all your other plugins. As it turns out you dont have most of your reference video files with that kind of distortion. So you write (or use one of the provided, if it fits your needs) a Filter Plugin (takes one video, distortes it in some way and writes the result to disk) for OQAT and execute it on all your videos. After that you can begin to develop a fix for your encoder. To be able to document objectively about the effectiveness of your fix you can write a Metric Plugin (some are provided) and execute it (two input videos, one output video according to the implemented quality metric) on the results the encoder produced before the fix and the videos it produces with your fix. To be able to get the most information out of your Metric Plugin you can write a Presentation Plugin to format the data in some meaningfull way (like a diagram, video, motion vector overlay, ...).

In addition to the functionality described above there are many more feateures, like


Even if you read the above carefully you still wouldn't know half of OQATs functionallity, you should either try it out (a compiled version can be found in /OQAT_release) or dive into the code (in /Implementierung). If you understand German you could have a look into /docs/Entwurf.pdf for some general overview on OQATs architecture.