PSLmodels / OG-USA

Overlapping-generations macroeconomic model for evaluating fiscal policy in the United States
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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cge demographics fiscal-policy general-equilibrium macroeconomics og-usa overlapping-generations psl-incubating python usa


Org PSL cataloged OS License: CC0-1.0 Jupyter Book Badge
Package Python 3.10 Python 3.11 PyPI Latest Release PyPI Downloads Code style: black
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OG-USA is an overlapping-generations (OG) model that allows for dynamic general equilibrium analysis of fiscal policy for the United States. OG-USA is built on the OG-Core framework. The model output includes changes in macroeconomic aggregates (GDP, investment, consumption), wages, interest rates, and the stream of tax revenues over time. Regularly updated documentation of the model theory--its output, and solution method--and the Python API is available at and documentation of the specific United States calibration of the model is available at


The model is constantly under development, and model components could change significantly. The package will have released versions, which will be checked against existing code prior to release. Stay tuned for an upcoming release!

Using/contributing to OG-USA

Note that, depending on your machine, a full model run (solving for the full time path equilibrium for the baseline and reform policies) can take more than two hours of compute time.

If you run into errors running the example script, please open a new issue in the OG-USA repo with a description of the issue and any relevant tracebacks you receive.

Once the package is installed, one can adjust parameters in the OG-Core Specifications object using the Calibration class as follows:

from ogcore.parameters import Specifications
from ogusa.calibrate import Calibration
p = Specifications()
c = Calibration(p)
updated_params = c.get_dict()
p.update_specifications({'initial_debt_ratio': updated_params['initial_debt_ratio']})

Core Maintainers

The core maintainers of the OG-Core repository are:

Citing OG-USA

OG-USA (Version #.#.#)[Source code],