PSLmodels / blog

PSL blog using Fastpages.
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PSL blog

powered by Quarto

How to contribute

The PSL blog accepts posts as Jupyter notebooks or Markdown documents:

In both cases, please take the following steps:

  1. Follow the nbdev guides on writing blogs with R Mardown (*.qmd), Jupyter (*.ipynb), and Markdown (*.md), and include the required "front matter" with metadata (you can the template from past posts).
  2. Preview the blog locally using the quarto preview command from the root directory after drafting your post. You'll need Quarto installed on your machine to run the command.
  3. Include a screenshot of the blog post in your PR.

Please use the Quarto discussions on Github for questions about using Quarto.

Technical guide

Post formats

Please follow the below guidance for each post type.

Demo Days recaps

See PR #10 as an example.

Style guide

Questions? Contact Max Ghenis (