UI module for Health and Wellness centre (HWC) application. HWC is one of the applications of AMRIT designed to capture details of service packages as per guidelines which should be available at a Health and Wellness centre.
GNU General Public License v3.0
0 stars 18 forks source link

❗❗❗ NOTICE ❗❗❗

A new version of the repository is available here PSMRI/HWC-UI

AMRIT - Health and Wellness Centre (HWC)

License: GPL v3 branch parameter

Health and Wellness Centre (HWC) is one of the comprehensive applications of AMRIT designed to capture details of 7 Service packages as per guidelines which should be available at Health and Wellness centre.

Primary Features

Patient Visit Category

Building From Source

This microservice is built on Java, Spring boot framework and MySQL DB.



Download Visual Studio Code from the below link:

Link for installation steps:

Download NVM form below link:

Steps to download nvm and node:

Install Node.js using below command: nvm install 8.9.0

Check Node.js version: node --version

Check npm version: npm --version

Using the below command to specify the version of npm that you wish to use. In our case, since we have only one version installed. Let's go with that. nvm use 8.9.0

  1. Add below paths in “User Environment Variables -> Path “: C:\Python27 C:\Python27\Scripts C:\Users\myFolder\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\bin C:\Users\ myFolder\AppData\Roaming\npm C:\Users\ myFolder\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@angular\cli\bin %NVM_HOME% %NVM_SYMLINK%

  2. Add below paths in “System Environment Variables”: %NVM_HOME% - C:\Users\ myFolder \AppData\Roaming\nvm %NVM_SYMLINK% - C:\Program Files\nodejs

  3. Add below paths in “System Environment Variables -> Path “: C:\Python27 %NVM_HOME% %NVM_SYMLINK% %AppData%\npm C:\Users\ myFolder\AppData\Roaming\npm

Note: After changing environment variables, please restart your system and check again.

  1. Open hwc-facility-app project code in Visual Studio Code

  2. Navigate to your project folder and execute below command for node_modules installation: npm install

  3. If you face any error related to ng2-smart-table, execute below command: npm install ng2-smart-table@1.2.1

  4. Copy environment configuration. cp src/environments/environment.ts src/environments/environment.local.ts. Edit the endpoints, ports and IPs as per your local running services.

  5. Once node module is installed successfully, then run the project using below command: ng serve

By default your application will be available at ‘http://localhost:4200/’. You can access it in your browser.

Building war files

  1. To build deployable war files
    mvn -B package --file pom.xml -P <profile_name>

The available profiles include dev, local, test, and ci. Refer to src/environments/ file and ensure that the right environment varaibles are set for the build.

Packing with ci profile calls build-ci script in package.json. It creates a file with all environment variables used in the generared build.



All features have been exposed as REST endpoints. Refer to the SWAGGER API specification for details.