PW22-SBN-01 / dataset_pipeline

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Merged Iterator #3

Closed AdityaNG closed 2 years ago

AdityaNG commented 2 years ago

Create a class MergedDatasetIterator which takes AndroidDatasetIterator, PandaDatasetIterator (and eventually a DVRDatasetIterator) as arguments and produces an object that allows access to the intersection of all the datasets.

Precompute things like valid start time, end time, duration, avg frame rate, etc. Raise warnings when there are large gaps in the data (>1 second)

Harsh188 commented 2 years ago

I can work on this

AdityaNG commented 2 years ago

Got some basic merged iterator functionality running

AdityaNG commented 2 years ago

Made the MergedIterator take and instance of PandaDatasetIterator and an instance of AndroidDatasetIterator as argument. It computes the intersection and IOU of the two and allows the user to iteratre over the intersection