PW22-SBN-01 / dataset_pipeline

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Dataset Helpers

pylint workflow pypi workflow pytest workflow

Raw Dataset Drive Link


  1. Merged Dataset Recorder
  2. Merged Dataset Iterator
  3. Documentation and usage examples
  4. Static Code Analysis (pylint, pycodestyle)
  5. Dynamic Code Analysis

Project Structure

All the raw dataset files are in the dataset/ directory.

├── dataset
│   ├── android
│   │   ├── 1652937970859
│   │   │   ├── 1652937970859.csv
│   │   │   └── 1652937970859.mp4
│   │   └── 1653972957447
│   │    ├── 1653972957447.csv
│   │    └── 1653972957447.mp4
│   ├── dvr_logs
│   └── panda_logs
│    ├── PANDA_2022-05-31_10:25:56.624274.csv
│    ├── PANDA_2022-05-31_19:31:36.973255.csv
│    ├── PANDA_2022-05-31_19:33:02.578401.csv
│    ├── PANDA_2022-05-31_19:35:44.368032.csv
│    ├── PANDA_2022-05-31_19:39:50.021715.csv
│    └── PANDA_2022-05-31_19:58:32.016402.csv
├── dataset_helper
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── README.ipynb

Dataset Iterators

The dataset is logged in 3 seperated sources:

  1. Android Phone(s) a. CSV b. Video File
  2. Panda (CAN BUS Data) a. CSV file only
  3. DVR Video a. Multiple Video Streams b. Log files

The file provides classes to easily access the recorded data as panda's DataFrame objects

Pandas CSV Iterator

The raw CAN data comes in with the format timestamp,CAN_ID,MESSAGE and is logges as such for the sake of maintaining high speed data logging. The PandaDatasetIterator creates and caches a new CSV of the format timestamp,ID1,ID2,...,IDn which is easier to use for plotting.

Phone Data Iterator

The Android App saved the IMU and GPS data in csv format along with a video to accompany it. The video has a known duration, start time and a fixed frame rate. Using these, the AndroidDatasetIterator can generate a mapping from timestamp to video frame.

Dataset Recorders

Panda Recorder

The Panda provides CAN frames from the vehicle upon request. The PandaDatasetRecorder class provides a wrapper to write said frames to disk.

DVR Recorder

The DVR provides a RSTP video stream. The DVRDatasetRecorder class provides a wrapper to write said video streams from multiple channels to disk simultaneously. It internally uses ffmpeg and python multiprocessing to acheive the same. It will internally launch N processes (plus the main process) to record the N channels.

Code Quality

Static Code Analysis

python -m pylint
python -m pycodestyle

Unit Testing

python -m pytest --import-mode=append tests/