PY44N / LuaObfuscatorV2

A program that obfuscates Lua programs so no one can steal your source code
51 stars 9 forks source link

Lua Obfuscator V2

This project is still a work in progress, so things may not work




print("Hello World")


How to use

Required programs

Building from source

1) Download Rust

2) Clone the repo

git clone

3) Enter the directory

cd LuaObfuscator

4) Install the required nodejs packages

cd minifier && npm i && cd ..

5) Put the code you wish to obfuscate into a file

6) Run the project using cargo

cargo run -- --file YOURFILE.lua

Related Repos

Lua Deserializer - A library for reading in a serialized Lua binary written for this project

luamin - A Lua minifier written in Javascript that is being used as a temporary solution until the minification rework