R Package for calculating COSEWIC metrics. Initial focus is on alternative estimates of Percent Change and Probability of Decline.
WARNING: This is a pre-release development version. Repo is public for testing package install in another repo. DO NOT USE YET
A progress report, presentation, and worked examples are available on Google Drive
First, install the R Statistical Software and the RStudio front-end.
Then you can install this package directly from github, using the following code on the command line in RStudio.
install.packages("devtools") # Install the devtools package
library(devtools) # Load the devtools package.
install_github("Pacific-salmon-assess/MetricsCOSEWIC", dependencies = TRUE, build_vignettes = FALSE)
Note: You also need to install JAGS.
The main function is multiFit(), which takes a data set of DU abundances, calculates Percent Change and Probability of Decline using 3 alternative methods (see wiki), then produces summary files and diagnostic plots. Note:This function call does a log-transform before estimating the slope, but then converts the estimate of perc change back to the original units.
The data needs to be organized into a data frame like this:
DU | Year | Abd |
Stock1 | 1960 | 7850.564 |
Stock1 | 1961 | 29719.99 |
Stock1 | 1962 | 22306.82 |
Using the built in data set, the function call looks like this:
data.in <- SR_Sample %>% select(Stock,Year,Spn) %>% rename(DU=Stock,Abd = Spn)
window.in <- data.frame(DU = unique(data.in$DU),Window = 13)
multi.out <- multiFit(data.df = data.in, window.df = window.in, plot.file = "Test_PercChange_Plots.pdf")
write.csv(multi.out$Output,"Test_Outputs.csv",row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(multi.out$Summary,"Test_Summary.csv",row.names = FALSE)
multiFit() is a wrapper for comparePercChange(), which does the calculation for a single DU. comparePercChange provides more end-user control of settings and has more detailed output. Using the built in data set, the function call looks like this:
stk <- "Stock3"
gen <- 4
yrs.do <- (3 * gen) +1
calc.yr <- 2017
test.df <- SR_Sample %>%
dplyr::filter(Stock == stk) %>%
test.df.sub <- test.df %>% dplyr::filter(Year > calc.yr - yrs.do )
# Added NA for testing: test.df$Spen[50] <- NA
fit.out <- comparePercChange(du.label = stk,
du.df = test.df,
yrs.window = yrs.do ,
calc.yr = 2017,
samples.out = TRUE,
plot.pattern = TRUE,
plot.posteriors = TRUE,
plot.boxes = TRUE)
We are building a library of worked examples, showing
the steps from *.csv
data files to summary outputs.
Note that these worked examples use data sets that are external to the package.
Two sample data sets are included inside the package.
Use ?SR_Sample
or ?DU_SampleData
for the details.