PackeTsar / acid

An application for initial setup and configuration of Cisco ACI
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 2 forks source link


An application for initial setup and configuration of Cisco ACI (Application Centric Infrastructure)


The version of Acid documented here is: v1.0.0


  1. What is Acid?
  2. Requirements
  3. Screenshots
  4. Compile
  5. Contributing


The initial setup of ACI can be a painful and confusing process due to the overwhelming use of object-oriented configurations and the many steps needed to perform a baseline setup. Using the raw API with something like PostMan is not much better. Acid is designed to get you through that process quickly and painlessly.


OS: Windows, Linux, and MacOS are supported and pre-compiled binaries are provided in the "Binaries" folder on the Github repo

Interpreter: Python 2.7.13+ and 3.6.X are compatible with the Acid source, but an interpreter is not required if you use the binaries.


The Acid main window Acid

The Acid basic settings window Acid

The Acid port configuration window Acid


Acid requires the use of Python 2.7.13 (or later) or 3.6.X due ACI's requirement for SSL TLS1.2 which is not included in older Python SSL libraries.

  1. Install Python 2.7.13+ or Python 3.6.X interpreter from the Python Website
  2. Download "pip-Win" from its download site
  3. Open pip-Win and run with command venv -c -i pyi-env-name
  4. Install PyInstaller with command pip install PyInstaller
  5. Navigate a folder with and acid.ico files
  6. Run command to compile: pyinstaller --onefile --windowed --icon=acid.ico --clean
  1. Install Python 2.7.13 and set as default interpreter
    • Install Homebrew
    • Open Terminal and use Homebrew to install updated Python: brew install python
    • Open the bash_profile in VI and add the new Python path: more .bash_profile
      • Insert the line at the bottom: export PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.13/bin:${PATH}"
    • Close Terminal and reopen it, type python --version and make sure it shows version 2.7.13 or greater
  2. Install Pip with command sudo easy_install pip
  3. Use Pip to install PyInstaller pip install pyinstaller
  4. Run command to compile: pyinstaller --onefile --windowed --icon=acid.ico --clean


If you would like to help out by contributing code or reporting issues, please do!

Visit the GitHub page ( and either report an issue or fork the project, commit some changes, and submit a pull request.