PacktPublishing / ROS-Robotics-Projects-SecondEdition

ROS Robotics Projects, published by Packt
MIT License
187 stars 95 forks source link


Welcome to this repository. This rep contains project files for the book - ROS Robotics Projects - Second edition, published by Packt. If you already bought the book, congratulations, let's get started. If not, you could buy them from the below links :



This book assumes that you have a basic knowledge about how ROS concepts such as topics, services and message definitions work, though they are touched upon in the beginning. Also given a good knowledge of working with linux environment and python programming covering concepts like functions and classes, the projects should be pretty straightforward to implement. The book consists of ROS projects that involve building and simulating robots in ROS, working with some advance ROS techniques and helps wrap up a tech solution together with multiple robots or machines using high level Learning-AI concepts.

What the book covers

Getting started!

Project files and packages for each and every chapter are named with respect to the chapter names for easy understanding. Simply follow the instructions given in the book to run the project files successfully. You would be able to view working videos of this project here



This is my first book folks, hence I'll be brutally honest with you all that there are chances of missing files, different file names or syntax errors, though they are thoroughly checked many a times, coz I'm a human too :-D. In-case you find any such troubles or problem running your project files, firstly, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. You could simply raise an issue in the issues tab such that I'll be able to track and solve the errors sytematically.