PacoZG / janestotalwellness

Website development for fitness and health advice and professional support.
1 stars 0 forks source link
react redux sport wellness


You can login to the application using username: pacozg, password: Fullstack_2021 as en administrator and username: rocky, username: Rocky12345 as a client Or also check the application at .com or application at .fi with the same user.

Working hours count (the time is an approximation )

week of hours tasks
08.03 20 Contruction of the idea, preliminary backend and basic frontend implementation with
express and redux
15.03 30 Further implementation of the backend for users connecting with mongodb and deep dive
into learning about tailwindcss using documentation and videos
22.03 5 Continued implementation but nothing very significant since I had to do an almost two
week break due to corona infection
05.04 15 Significant changes on the implementation, adding signIn and signUp forms, styling with
tailwindcss using at that moment some example components as part of the learning process
12.04 16 Three days of work with the addition of few frontend components, addition of more
components such as Footer, Modal better understanding of the communication between
back and frontend and some code refactoring
19.04 25 Keeping the implementation of back and frontend with also a deeper study and
understanding of Redux react, further implementation of mongo models for alerts and
further understanding of how to the backend communicates errors or confirmation
with the frontend. Also learning and implementation of upload and removal of images
from Cloudinary using multer setting the middlewares, the reducer and the necessary
decoding files and lots of refactoring
26.04 15 Further implemtation of back and frontend, addition of components and reimplementing
the use of notification to Modal alerts through reducers and mainly code refactoring
03.05 46 Implmentation of app in finnish and Spanish using reducer to set the UI language,
test implementation through jest and cypress for e2e testing, further tailwind
refactoring for all the components in every language, lots of js code refactoring,
implementation of pipeline through github and heroku and README file including the
project report.
10.05 21 Following professor suggestions I did a lot of refactor, internazionalized the code using
i18next (which took me around 14 hours to get it installed and working) so I could get
rid of the repeatitive .js files for the old language navigation, cleaning code from all
the useless comments, removing all the else statements and use of the guard claus instead
and last but not least installing and configuring Prettier which needed some configuring
to resolve conflicts with Eslint
17.05 48 This week I was able to setup the logic in the back and front end for blog posts using
react-markdown and stylising with prose tools from tailwind css, one page to see the list
of blogs, one for the rendering of an specific blog and another for the creation of it
with the tools that allows the creator to see how it will look in real time.
Also I was able to buy the domains, configure the DNS on the respective DNS provider and
with the domain provider, and also setting up the domains on Heroku.
I was also able to add the cookies banner on it's own component file along with the
cookies policy. And finally better funtionality in the user menu with smoother
24.05 47 This week I added a Forum call Jane's Salon and manage to finish the logic to create
discussion, make comment and reply to the comments, this with the registriction of a
registered user, meaning that anyone can make comments or reply to the comments but only
registered user can edit or delete their own comments or replies and the admins can
do anything to avoid spam or bad conduct in the forum. I spend many hours looking for an
afficient way to optimize images so they don't use a lot of space in the cloud and do not
take too long to download to the but I couldn't,find one that wouldn't present amongs
other pages to promote services. issues. Fixed many bugs, added the share page website
and personal fb page in facebook. I want to add an special page for the trainer to can
create a exercise program only with dropdown menus, but for that I need the trainer's
help so it will be done in the future amongs other pages to promote services.
31.05 7 On Monday I added all the missing translations for the new pages, fixed few minor bugs on
some of the components and finally added the code of conduct page for the forum
1.06 8 Spent the whole day implementing local and E2E testing, plus fixing some bugs that I came
during testing, and finally fixing some css styling
5.06 3 I worked on trying to implement pagination of discussions page by doing requests to the
6.06 2 I worked on trying to implement pagination of discussions page on the front end without
sending requests to the server, all done only on front end
7.06 3 Decided to implement and did the pagination by handling discussions only on the frontend,
at the same time add some more features to filter discussions, some styling to the
discussions page and fixing some bugs that were caused by this changes and check all the
other components for extra useless or redundant code
Total 311