PaddlePaddle / Paddle3D

A 3D computer vision development toolkit based on PaddlePaddle. It supports point-cloud object detection, segmentation, and monocular 3D object detection models.
Apache License 2.0
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About training SMOKE on waymo. #162

Open JiSuanJiDaWang opened 1 year ago

JiSuanJiDaWang commented 1 year ago

Hi, Can you give some information about the training configuration(total_epoch, data agumentation, lr schedule) of smoke model on the waymo dataset? Many Thanks.

thinkthinking commented 1 year ago

hello, you can go to Paddle3D Repo to find this:

JiSuanJiDaWang commented 1 year ago

Hi, I can only fiund the configuration file on kitti dataset in Paddle3D

Yutong-gannis commented 1 year ago

@JiSuanJiDaWang Have you find configuration file on waymo?

nepeplwu commented 5 months ago

@JiSuanJiDaWang @Yutong-gannis Thanks for the feedback. Smoke in Paddle3D currently does not support the waymo dataset.