PainedPsyche / cui_character

An advanced character and clothes editor for esx framework that aims to be comfortable to use, hide complexity and blend in with original GTA V interface elements.
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disappears weapon #24

Closed Astro-lab1 closed 3 years ago

Astro-lab1 commented 3 years ago

when i spawn i have no weapons and in the data base they are save i already add TriggerEvent('esx:restoreLoadout') at client/main.lua it works properly but every can use glitch of bullets or when you add a weapon i will disappear again you have to reconnect the game to take it back or changing clothes everything that is related to skin pls help to fix this im sure its at line 500 client/main.lua (for me) Citizen.CreateThread(function() while not playerLoaded do Citizen.Wait(100) end

    if firstSpawn then
        local preparingSkin = true
        local isPlayerNew = false

        ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_skin:getPlayerSkin', function(skin)
            if skin ~= nil then
                oldChar = skin
                oldChar = GetDefaultCharacter(true)
                isPlayerNew = true
            preparingSkin = false

mine is like this but it has too many bugs : /

PainedPsyche commented 3 years ago

Should be fixed now.