Closed Erani0 closed 3 years ago
I use krz_personalmenu and i cant switch back to normal skin
This works with no problem for change my skin
{ name = 'mw', label = 'Merryweather', groups = {'_dev', 'owner', 'superadmin'}, command = function() RageUI.CloseAll() Citizen.Wait(100) TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadDefaultModel', true) Citizen.Wait(100) TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadSkin', { sex = 0, face = 0, skin = 4, hair_1 = 3, hair_2 = 0, hair_color_1 = 0, hair_color_2 = 0, decals_1 = 0, decals_2 = 0, tshirt_1 = 15, tshirt_2 = 0, torso_1 = 50, torso_2 = 0, arms = 17, pants_1 = 33, pants_2 = 0, shoes_1 = 25, shoes_2 = 0, mask_1 = 28, mask_2 = 0, bproof_1 = 0, bproof_2 = 0, bags_1 = 0, bags_2 = 0, beard_1 = 0, beard_2 = 0, beard_3 = 0, beard_4 = 0, chain_1 = 0, chain_2 = 0, glasses_1 = 0, glasses_2 = 0, }) end },
And for switch back to normal this
{ name = 'saveskin', label = _U('admin_saveskin_button'), groups = {'_dev', 'owner', 'superadmin'}, command = function() TriggerEvent('esx_skin:requestSaveSkin') end }
this works not anymore
can you help me?
I use krz_personalmenu and i cant switch back to normal skin
This works with no problem for change my skin
And for switch back to normal this
this works not anymore
can you help me?