PalamaraLab / HapNe

Haplotype-based inference of recent effective population size in modern and ancient DNA samples
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Haplotype-based inference of recent effective population size in modern and ancient DNA samples.

  1. System Requirements
  2. Installation Guide
  3. Demo
  4. Instructions for use
  5. Understanding the output
  6. FAQ
  7. Citation
  8. Acknowledgements

1. System Requirements

The software dependencies are listed in the conda_environment.yml and setup.cfg files. The software works on Unix systems (Linux and macOS). The software has been tested on macOS (Ventura 13.3.1, M1 and Intel) and Linux (Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS). It does not require non-standard hardware.

2. Installation Guide

If plink and plink2 are already installed on your system, you can install HapNe using pip:

pip install hapne

However, we strongly recommend to install HapNe within a conda environment by running:

conda env create --file conda_environment.yml

using the following conda_environment.yml file (~ 5 minutes):

name: HapNe
  - conda-forge
  - bioconda
  - defaults
  - python
  - pytest
  - numpy
  - pandas
  - plink
  - plink2
  - flake8
  - numba

You can then install HapNe using pip (1 minute): pip install hapne

If you wish to modify the code, you can install HapNe in editable mode by running pip install . within this repository.

3. Demo

The tests folder contains a demo for all functionalities of HapNe, and the expected output of each functionality.

Running pytest tests is typically done in less than 20 minutes.

4. Instructions for use

4.1 HapNe-LD

HapNe-LD can be run by adapting the following config file:


HapNe can be run using the following Pyton script:

from configparser import ConfigParser
import argparse

from import split_convert_vcf
from hapne.ld import compute_ld, compute_ccld
from hapne import hapne_ld

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='HapNe-LD pipeline')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    config = ConfigParser()
    print("Starting stage 1")
    print("Starting stage 2")
    print("Starting stage 3")

4.2 HapNe-IBD

Running HapNe-IBD requires the use of an IBD detection software as a first step. Experiments in the HapNe paper used HapIBD with the postprocessing tool provided here, following the instructions and recommendations from the publications and website.

HapNe requires the IBD software to be run on each chromosome arm separately. It is possible to split a single vcf file into multiple files corresponding to each chromosome arm by using the following script:

from import split_vcf
split_vcf(vcf_file: str, save_in: str, keep=None, genome_build='grch37')


The method will create 39 new vcfs files in the save_in folder. You can then run HapIBD on each of these files separately, and create *.ibd.gz files following the same naming convention.

HapNe-IBD requires a config file to set the following options:

genome_build=grch37 # or grch38


Using this config file, HapNe-IBD can be run using the following script:

from configparser import ConfigParser
from hapne.ibd import build_hist

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='HapNe-IBD preprocessing pipeline')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    config = ConfigParser()

4.3 Analyses of ancient samples

The HapNe package contains a pipeline to easily analyze samples from the "Allen Ancient DNA Resource" data set. After downloading the data, HapNe can take a file with the indices of samples to be analyzed as input (Caribbean_Ceramic_recent.keep in the following example).

Note that it is assumed that samples present in the keep file are unrelated. Kinship information is usually present in the anno file and can be used to filter out related individuals.

To perform the analysis, create the following configuration file:


eigen_root describes the location to the main data set, anno_file points to the annotation file, keep refers to a file containing the indices of the individuals to be analyzed (one index per row).

The output will be written in a new output_folder folder. pseudo_diploid must be set to true when studying ancient data. Finally, population_name will be used to name the output files.

Next, the following script can be run using python --config_file config.ini

from configparser import ConfigParser
import pandas as pd
import argparse

from import eigenstrat2vcf
from import split_convert_vcf
from hapne.ld import compute_ld, compute_ccld, create_cc_file
from hapne.utils import get_age_from_anno
from hapne import hapne_ld

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='HapNe-LD pipeline')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    config = ConfigParser()
    print("Starting stage 1")
    print("Starting stage 2")
    print("Starting stage 3")
    print("Starting stage 4")

5. Understanding the output

HapNe creates different folders in the output folder provided in the config file. The main output is written in the HapNe folder. It contains the following files:

Note: the population size produced in output by HapNe is haploid (divide by 2 to obtain diploid size estimates).

6. FAQ

General Questions

  1. Can HapNe be used to analyze non-human data?

Our testing has been limited to human-like evolutionary models. HapNe may also work in non-human data, but we recommend using simulations to test the accuracy under other evolutionary settings. We are also updating the software to allow using non-human genome builds and welcome suggestions on how to facilitate these analyses.

  1. Can HapNe be used to infer population sizes beyond 100 generations ago?

Depending on the sample size and the demography, HapNe might be able to infer fluctuations at times older than 100 generations. We have not extensively tested this, so we recommend running simulations to verify the accuracy under specific evolutionary parameters. The software can be used to infer Ne at times deeper than the default 100 generations by setting the t_max in parameter in the config file. It may also be useful to modify the number of inferred parameters, nb_parameters, and the maximum length of a time interval in the output, dt_max.


  1. The summary message contains a warning about CCLD

    CCLD (cross-chromosome LD) arises when there is population structure among the samples or when the population has encountered a recent admixture event. In such scenarios, HapNe-LD might be biased and output spurious collapses that should not be trusted. In modern data, consider running HapNe-IBD.

  2. I observe a collapse in the population's recent past

    Check that there is no warning about CCLD in the summary message. Check that your samples are unrelated.

  3. I get a flat output with small confidence intervals

    Check the summary message in the output folder. This situation is generally encountered when there is no signal in the dataset, and HapNe relies on its prior (flat demographic history). This scenario is flagged by a warning in the summary message. Please refer to our manuscript for additional details.


  1. I am observing wild oscillations in HapNe’s output

    Genotyping or switch errors can cause IBD segments to be split into multiple smaller segments, which can bias the output of HapNe. Consider running HapNe-LD on the data if you do not trust the phasing or have reasons to believe IBD detection could be noisy.

  2. I get a flat output with small confidence intervals

    Check the summary message in the output folder. This situation is generally encountered when there is no signal in the dataset, and HapNe relies on its prior (flat demographic history). This scenario is flagged by a warning in the summary message. Please refer to our manuscript for additional details.

7. Citation

If you use this software, please cite:

R. Fournier, Z. Tsangalidou, D. Reich, P. Palamara. Haplotype-based inference of recent effective population size in modern and ancient DNA samples. Nature Communications, 2023.

8. Acknowledgements

Two scripts of the convert module were downloaded from the following repositories and edited to fit into this package: