PalatinCoder / MMM-GoogleBirthdaysProvider

MagicMirror² Module to include your Google Contacts' birthdays into the default calendar
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
28 stars 10 forks source link


A MagicMirror² helper to include the birthdays of your Google Contacts in the default calendar.

GitHub tag Travis License

🛠 Work in progress

The module is kind of a MVP (minimum viable product) at the moment. That means you can use it in your setup, but things will definitely change on the way to v1.0. Also, be aware that there are some known issues! Use it with care 😉

How it works

The module reads the birthdays of your Google Contacts via Google's People API and exposes them as an iCal Feed through an internal URL, so you can include it in the default calendar.



You need to have a project setup on Google Cloud Platform for your mirror. If you use other Google Services (like the Directions API with MMM-MyCommute), you most likely already have a project.

To enable the People API:

  1. Visit the API Library and click "Enable". Make sure you have the right project selected in the top menu.

After the API is enabled, you need to create credentials for the module.

  1. From the Overview of the People API, select "Credentials" on the left.
  2. Click the button "Create credentials" and choose "OAuth client ID"
  3. Select "Other" and give the client a recognizable name, like "MMM-GoogleBirthdaysProvider"
  4. Click "Create"

You should be redirected to the credentials overview

  1. Download the newly created credentials and set the file aside for now, you'll need it in a moment.


  1. In your modules/ directory, git clone

  2. cd in the new MMM-GoogleBirthdaysProvider directory

  3. npm install --production (note the production flag, so you don't get all the dev dependencies - you don't need them if you just want to use the module)

  4. Place the JSON file with the credentials (from step 6 above) in google-api-credentials/credentials.json

  5. Run npm run token:generate and follow the instructions. This will authorize your instance of the module against your GCP project and store an authorization token.

  6. Add the module to your config.js:

       module: "MMM-GoogleBirthdaysProvider",
       config: {}

    Note: Don't give the module a position, as it doesn't render any DOM at all

  7. Add http://localhost:8080/mmm-googlebirthdaysprovider to your calendar URLs, something like this:

            module: "calendar",
            position: "top_left",
            config: {
                calendars: [
                        url: 'http://localhost:8080/mmm-googlebirthdaysprovider',
                        symbol: 'birthday-cake',
                        color: '#f00'
  8. (optional) If you want to see which birthday it is, set the following:

    Config Options

    Set `displayRepeatingCountTitle` to `true` and set the suffix for the count in the `repeatingCountTitle` in the calendar's options, like so: ``` (...) { module: "calendar", position: "top_left", config: { displayRepeatingCountTitle: true, calendars: [ { url: 'http://localhost:8080/mmm-googlebirthdaysprovider', symbol: 'birthday-cake', repeatingCountTitle: "Birthday" color: '#f00' } ] } } (...) ```

  9. That's it, now have fun 😉

Known Limitations / Issues