PalladioSimulator / Palladio-Analyzer-SimuLizar

SimuLizar is a Palladio plug-in for analyzing self-adaptive systems, such as cloud computing systems, at design-time.
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Test Fork Example Model #103

Open klinakuf opened 8 months ago

klinakuf commented 8 months ago


This test checks aspects of the PCM forks (ForActions) are simulated properly.

Currently, a system with two asynchrous forks and one synchronisation point are tested with a closed workload.

More test cases could be added as more services of this example model.

The model is contained in the example model repo on GitHub under

Test Case Description

Test Step Expected Result
Start PCM and import PCM Fork Example in workspace PCM IDE up and running, PCMForkExample project available in workspace
In the PCM Fork Example project, right-click on "PCMFork_Example-Simulizar.launch" and select "Run As"->"Run Configuration…". Create an EDP2 datasource (e.g. InMemory). Run SimuLizar. A simulation run is launched. The simulation should complete after a few minutes (or less).
Check the simulation results.Open the "Palladio" perspective, go the the experiments view. In this view, select your EDP2 data source and then “Experiment Group My Run” → "Experiment Setting Default Variation"->"Experiment Run (Datum)"Double click on result "Usage Scenario: defaultUsageScenario (Response Time Tuple)". In the opening window, double-click on "XY Plot". A diagram should open, visualizing the simulated response time of the called service. The response time should be 1.2 in about 75% of all cases and 1.0 in about 25% of all cases.
Check the utilisation of CPU and HDD: Double-click on results "CPU [0] in aName (State of Active Resource Tuple)" or "HDD [0] in aName (State of Active Resource Tuple)". In the opening window, double-click on "Pie Chart". The utilization of CPU and HDD should be about:Idle 11.5%,Busy 1 job 85.2%,Busy 2 jobs 3.3%.
klinakuf commented 8 months ago

For me, as previously reported, the response time is 0,95 and 1,20.
