PalladioSimulator / Palladio-Analyzer-SimuLizar

SimuLizar is a Palladio plug-in for analyzing self-adaptive systems, such as cloud computing systems, at design-time.
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nightly-build release


SimuLizar is a Palladio plug-in for analyzing self-adaptive systems, such as cloud computing systems, at design-time. With SimuLizar, we want to provide modeling support for self-adaptation rules as well as new analysis for scalability, elasticity, and efficiency.

A documentation of the contained testing framework for SimuLizar-based simulations can be found here

Extending SimuLizar

SimuLizar provides an elaborate Extension API, which relies on Dagger dependency injection. SimuLizar imposes a strict scoping of dependencies in order to provide simplified lifetime management and therefore, reusability. More details on Scoping in Dagger can be found here in the section on Singletons and Scoped Bindings.

The concept of components and scoping

We used the concept of Dagger Components to modularize the parts of SimuLizar. The current component hierarchy and the respective dependencies are visualized in the following diagram. In principle, we differentiate between four hierarchical levels:

How to provide your extension

SimuLizar currently provides support for several different types of extension. In general, if you develop your extension please follow the following guidelines:

In order to make your extensions known to SimuLizar, please implement a Dagger Component interface, which provides the appropriate implementation of your extension. In order to access simulation entities and entities of other extensions, specify explicit Component Dependencies (e.g. @Component(dependencies = { QUALComponent.class }) to the required components. Have your Component extend the ExtensionComponent interface. In line with Dagger, please add a nested static factory interface with one abstract method which takes an instance of each component dependency and returns your component type. The component, as well as the factory will be generated by Dagger. Have the factory extend ExtensionComponent.Factory.

Please specify an implementation for the method ExtensionComponent.contributes(). Have it return a Set<ExtensionContribution>. For every extension contributed by your component, create one ExtensionContribution instance, specifying the extension interface, e.g. IModelObserver and the function to retrieve it, given an instance of your component. SimuLizar takes care about instantiating your component and uses the specified function to retrieve the concrete implementations of your extensions.

An example of how to build an ExtensionComponent can be found here.

In order to register your extension with SimuLizar, there are two options:

1) Define a custom launcher, and provide your ExtensionComponent.Factory to the SimuLizarRootComponent.Factory.create(new ExtensionComponentsModule(...)). We suggest this option whenever you want to reuse and extend SimuLizar functionality in your own analysis. 2) Use the eclipse extension point to contribute the factory. The Factory needs to be instantiable without parameters. We suggest this option when you want to transparently contribute additional support to the SimuLizar analysis. In this case, please ensure compatibility with existing SimuLizar models.

There are currently a few limitation to take into account with ExtensionComponents:

As of now, the set of available components consists of the following:

Please note, that the extension mechanism currently targets RootComponent and RuntimeComponent level. The point in time, when your extensions are available dependends on the component dependencies of your ExtensionComponent. There is currently no support for extending the SimulatedThread level, although that might change in the future.

SimuLizar Extensions

SimuLizar currently provides the following extension points:

Interface Purpose
ModelLoader Allows to add further models to be loaded into the model partition
ModelCompletion Allows to modify the loaded models before running the interpreters. Called after all resources have been loaded
IConfigurer Allows to adapt selected run configuration parameters based on the current models in the blackboard. Called after all models have been resolved and all model completions have been executed.
RuntimeStateEntityManager Initialize new entities which constitute runtime state (e.g. user management, usage evolver management). Please do not evaluate the PCMPartition here. Add an IModelObserver to listen to changes in the model and update the runtime state accordingly.
RuntimeStateEntityObserver Allows to listen to changes in the runtime state of the simulation. E.g. to attach listeners to Calculators.
IModelObserver Watch the global partition and update the respective simulation entity accordingly. E. g. UsageModelSyncer updates SimulatedUsageModels.
RDSeffSwitchContributionFactory Provide a factory for a custom package of RDSEFF actions. When encountering actions from this package, the RDSEFF interpreter dispatches the events to your custom interpreter. If again traverse the model further, please make sure to use the provided RDSeffElementDispatcher to do so.
IInterpreterListener Register for ModelElementPassedEvents of the core interpretation logic.