Customers are looking for different ways to ensure inbound high availability and scale for their AWS deployments. Several options exist including traditional two device HA in active passive mode, or Auto Scaling the VM-Series.
This ALB sandwich CloudFormation Template deploys a pair of VM-Series Firewalls and 2 Web Servers with an external Application Load Balancer and either an internal Application Load Balancer or Network Load Balancer depending on which CFT is chosen. The ALB sandwich with the VM-Series is an elegant and simplified way to manually scale VM-Series deployments to address planned or projected traffic increases while also delivering multi-Availability Zone HA.
The ALB sandwich is dependent on PAN-OS 8.1 as it uses the new FQDN object for NAT rules to automatically update the IP addresses.
Get API Key
curl -X GET 'https://#Firewall Management IP#/api/?type=keygen&user=pandemo&password=demopassword' -k
API key for pandemo. Replace in the following curl commands if different.
curl -kg -X GET 'https://#Firewall Management IP#/api/?key=LUFRPT1Zd2pYUGpkMUNrVEZlb3hROEQyUm95dXNGRkU9N0d4RGpTN2VZaVZYMVVoS253U0p6dlk3MkM0SDFySEh2UUR4Y3hzK2g3ST0=&type=config&action=set&xpath=/config/devices/entry/vsys/entry/address/entry[@name="lb-fqdn1"]&element=<fqdn>#Internal ALB FQDN#</fqdn>'
curl -kg -X GET 'https://#Firewall Management IP#/api/?key=LUFRPT1Zd2pYUGpkMUNrVEZlb3hROEQyUm95dXNGRkU9N0d4RGpTN2VZaVZYMVVoS253U0p6dlk3MkM0SDFySEh2UUR4Y3hzK2g3ST0=&type=config&action=set&xpath=/config/devices/entry/vsys/entry/address/entry[@name="lb-fqdn2"]&element=<fqdn>#Internal ALB FQDN#</fqdn>'
curl -kg -X GET 'https://#Firewall Management IP#/api/?type=commit&cmd=<commit></commit>&key=LUFRPT1Zd2pYUGpkMUNrVEZlb3hROEQyUm95dXNGRkU9N0d4RGpTN2VZaVZYMVVoS253U0p6dlk3MkM0SDFySEh2UUR4Y3hzK2g3ST0='