MineMeld nodes for MISP
MineMeld >= 0.9.37b1
$ sudo -u minemeld mm-supervisorctl restart minemeld-web
To use the Miner you should create a new prototype based on misp.anyEvent prototype and add the url parameter.
After COMMIT you will be able to specify the authentication key directly from the WebUI.
# source name, to identify the origin of the indicators inside MineMeld
source_name: misp.test
url: https://misp.example.com
# filters for MISP query
# default: none
# this one check for published events with tag tlp:white
# you can specify a time window of the last N days using datefrom: <N>d
# check the search_index API in PyMISP for available filter parameters
published: 1
tag: 'tlp:white'
# datefrom: 180d
# select specific inidicator types, default: null (any)
# indicator_types: ['URL', 'IPv4', 'IPv6']
indicator_types: null
# honour IDS flag, if true only events with IDS set will be exported
honour_ids_flag: true
# a dictionary of event attributes to be extracted, the value
# of each in key in the dictionary is a JMESPATH expression
# default:
# event_attributes:
# info: info
# org: Org
# orgc: Orgc
# threat_level_id: threat_level_id
# uuid: uuid
# tags: Tag[*].name
# a dictionary of attribute attributes to be extracted, the value
# of each in key in the dictionary is a JMESPATH expression
# default:
# attribute_attributes:
# uuid: info
# category: Org
# comment: Orgc
# prefix to be applied to indicator attributes, default: misp
# prefix: misp
# verify remote certificate, default true
verify_cert: true
# require a client certificate, default false
client_cert_required: false
# age out of indicators
sudden_death: true
default: null
# flag indicators with share level white, if not specified
# by tag
confidence: 70
# if not specified in the event, default is white for
# this prototype
share_leve: white