Pamasich / kbin-kes

Add-on manager and scripting framework for kbin
MIT License
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This is my personal fork of KES (Kbin Enhancement Suite) for development purposes.

Work is being done in individual mod/{mod-name} branches, which are kept open for future changes to the mod. The tests branch exists for automated tests and my own adjusted KES userscript which I use to test my changes.


All my ideas for kbin (not just KES) are organized as issues on a kanban board.

Each issue has a priority label (low, medium, high), representing how needed the feature is, and an effort label (low, moderate, high), indicating how much work I expect it to be.

Generally a bugfix has a priority of medium or higher, while changes in KES's code or a third party mod are given an effort level of "moderate" as the minimum. This is because I'll have to put in time to understand the existing code first.

Many issues are also given an additional label to indicate what type of work they are: a new mod, a feature for an existing one, or a bugfix.