Panakotta00 / FicsIt-Networks

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No mouse events from Large Screen #233

Closed lceWolf closed 1 year ago

lceWolf commented 1 year ago


Connecting a Large Screen and listening to the corresponding gpu's events does not trigger any mouse events.

Expected behaviour

Regular updates for mouse movement, button down and button up

Additional Info

This works perfectly fine for a computer screen. Running the same code with a large screen attached instead does not work at all.

Minimal example snippet with does not work with a large screen

local gpu = computer.getPCIDevices(findClass("FINComputerGPU"))[1]
local screen = component.proxy("A7D012744A3673E702BE3FAADC1771EA")


while true do

I also tried the paint example. Does not work either

Panakotta00 commented 1 year ago

a bit odd as i can not reproduce the issue

screen input even on large screen works fine for me...

Panakotta00 commented 1 year ago

are the client of a multiplayer session?

Panakotta00 commented 1 year ago

Gotta close because not reproduceable and lack of feedback.