Panakotta00 / FicsIt-Networks

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Adding FINGenLuaDocSumneko Command #313

Closed derFreemaker closed 3 weeks ago

derFreemaker commented 1 month ago

FINGenLuaDocSumneko does the the samething as FinGenLuaDoc but for the Sumneko Language Server.

Also adds documentation for computer, component, event, filesystem and some other things. The documentation for that is written by hand though to not modify any code. Since this is not asked for or talked about.

Added Features

Adds Signals that are marked deprecated in order to give feedback to the user. Also gives you an usage example with every Signal which is customized to the Signal.

FIN_Operator_* are mapped to ---@operator * this can though throw an exception if FIN_Operator_* is not supported (FIN_Operator_Equals, FIN_Operator_LessThan, FIN_Operator_LessOrEqualThan, FIN_Operator_Index, FIN_Operator_NewIndex), since there is no equivalent operator naming in sumneko, are also not used currently and only cause a game crash when executing the command (there for not game breaking).

RozeDoyanawa commented 1 month ago

You used the wrong branch as the base I think. Should have been development.

derFreemaker commented 1 month ago

well, it says development on both sides: "into Panakotta00/development from derFreemaker/development" I dont see how the base matters any way since I am adding two files.

RozeDoyanawa commented 1 month ago

It doesn't. However, I can't/won't approve pull requests from others than me. But from experience, pana is never going to approve code which includes files/resources named with references to the maker. Its ok to include author and written by and such, but the file names, classes and variables should be free of creator-references and rather be named solely by purpose.

derFreemaker commented 1 month ago

I see what you mean, I hadn't thought of it since there is EmmyLua and the Lua LSP of Sumneko, so I just consider it SumnekoLua. I guess I could replace Sumneko with “2” everywhere. It just makes it a bit ugly in terms of naming. I just don't have a better name for it since it's for the Lua LSP of Sumneko. If you have a suggestion, I'm open to it.

RozeDoyanawa commented 1 month ago

Oh, I did not realize it was the name of the plugin... non the less, names like just lua markdown export or something is probably better. Dunno how much EmmyLUA and sumneko differs, so cant judge. I guess Pana will have to put a word in eventually :)

derFreemaker commented 1 month ago

Well, it only generates Lua files with metadata, otherwise I would use markdown or something else, but since FINGenLuaDoc is short for FicsIt-NetworksGenerateLuaDocumentation. And the Lua LSP from Sumneko is EmmyLua with extra features (e.g.: ---@operator), so there is not much difference between the two. I guess I'll have to wait for Panakotta to check it out.

derFreemaker commented 3 weeks ago

Moving this PR into another branch since its blocking my development branch.