PandaNL / nl.tonversteeg.pushbullet

Pushbullet notification for Athom Homey
MIT License
1 stars 3 forks source link

Pushbullet notifications for Athom Homey

This app lets you send Pushbullet notifications to use in flows on a Homey device (by Athom).

  1. Go to settings on your Homey, and under Pushbullet Notifications login to Pushbullet.
  2. When logged in successfully, you are now able to send Pushbullet notifications.

Use Then flow cards to send Push notifications to all devices or a single device

PB Single PB All

Or use the trigger card to trigger a flow by sending a Pushbullet from your device/webbrowser

PB Trigger


If the Pushbullet app is useful to you, buy me a beer!

Paypal donate



0.0.4 If already using Pushbullet before V0.0.4 be sure to sign off and on again on the settings page

