PandaWood / ExceptionReporter.NET

ExceptionReporter is a .NET component that gathers detailed information on an Exception and the application/system running it. It allows the user to copy, save or send a custom-formatted report to the developer
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crash-reporting crash-reporting-tool error-handler error-handling error-reporting exception-handler exception-handling exception-reporting

Exception Reporter.NET

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How it Looks

When showing a dialog to the user (can also be sent silently) there are 2 presentation modes - Less Scary and More Detail

Less Scary

Compact Mode

More Detail

More Detail Mode

Interface Configuration

You don't have to modify the code to achieve a basic level of customization as many changes can be made with configuration.

The screenshot above is configured to not show icons on the buttons (ShowButtonIcons) and the window title is customised (TitleText)

There are various other options available such hiding the email button (ShowEmailButton), changing the label text (UserExplanationLabel), the background color (BackgroundColor) etc - see the property Config on the main ExceptionReporter class.

How to use it

The Exception Reporter can be invoked manually or by setting up a Windows Exception event - see Sample Code Usage

The ultimate goal is the developer receiving a formatted exception report - see Sending a Report

You can even format your own report using Report Templates

Why use it

Some Important Features

Demos, Design and Testing

Sample Reports



Plain Text

Acme Error Report

Application: ExceptionReporter Demo App
Version:     4.0
Region:      English (Australia)
Date: 25/08/2018
Time: 2:40 PM
User Explanation: "I just pressed Connect and this error showed immediately"

Error Message: Unable to establish a connection with the Foo bank account service

[Stack Traces]
Top-level Exception
Type:        System.IO.IOException
Message:     Unable to establish a connection with the Foo bank account service. The error number is #FFF474678.
Source:      WinFormsDemoApp
Stack Trace: at WinFormsDemoApp.DemoAppView.AndAnotherOne() in Z:\MyProjects\ExceptionReporter\src\WinFormsDemoApp\DemoAppView.cs:line 110
    at WinFormsDemoApp.DemoAppView.CallAnotherMethod() in Z:\MyProjects\ExceptionReporter\src\WinFormsDemoApp\DemoAppView.cs:line 101
    at WinFormsDemoApp.DemoAppView.SomeMethod() in Z:\MyProjects\ExceptionReporter\src\WinFormsDemoApp\DemoAppView.cs:line 96
    at WinFormsDemoApp.DemoAppView.ShowExceptionReporter(Boolean useConfig) in Z:\MyProjects\ExceptionReporter\src\WinFormsDemoApp\DemoAppView.cs:line 81

Inner Exception 1
Type:        System.Exception
Message:     This is an Inner Exception message - with a message that is not too small but perhaps it should be smaller

[Assembly References] 
mscorlib, Version=
System.Windows.Forms, Version=
System, Version=
ExceptionReporter.WinForms, Version=
System.Drawing, Version=
EO.WebBrowser, Version=
Esent.Collections, Version=

[System Info]
Operating System
-Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
--CodeSet = 1252
--CSDVersion =
--CurrentTimeZone = 600
--FreePhysicalMemory = 1947848
--OSArchitecture = 32-bit
--OSLanguage = 1033
--ServicePackMajorVersion = 0
--ServicePackMinorVersion = 0
--Version = 6.1.7600

--Manufacturer = Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
--Model = P35-DS3L
--TotalPhysicalMemory = 3756515328



ExceptionReporter has a dependency on the .NET4 Framework - so can go as low as supporting Windows XP

ExceptionReporter.NET.sln - this uses the new csproj format that was introduced in .NET Core but is backward compatible for .NET projects (like this).

There is a suite of Unit Tests to support ExceptionReporter using Moq and NUnit libraries - see src/Tests/Tests.ExceptionReporter.NET

There is a Cake script to build the project and run all tests


I have worked a WPF version of ExceptionReporter into the solution by using a Shared Project. There is no nuget library for the WPF version yet, so it's in a kind of alpha-mode. The usage is slightly different as it's implemented as a UserControl, so you create your own Window object and set the Content property to the WpfExceptionReporter - see the Demo.WPF project for an example. The WPF version cuts out the resizing and the less/more detail view. For "Show Details" we just show the report in a read-only text component. I'm actually liking the simplicity, so I don't think it will take long to progress this into a sister nuget library.

WPF version